I saw this guy on OT. He was making out with his brother in a video.

I think.

Best part is at 0:34 when he starts kissing his shoulder lol.

Was that johnny depp ?

wow… i like britney lately though. she’s sweet.

words cant describe how i feel right now…i thought emo kids cut themselves not post sad britney spears videos on you tube??

Is it just me or does that chick have a shadow on her upper lip and chin?
It looks almost like she shaves…


i bet that kid rakes in tons of cock.



holy fuckk


i bet that kid rakes in tons of cock.


yup, def LOL

:rofl: at newmans response

whats with the sheet in the background? take a step forward please…

can anyone find the real preformance? I keep looking and can’t seem to find it.

i feel the urge to throw tiny kittens into blenders now, wow i guess some people just really like shitty whorish music

i cant find a video of the performance someone find it

Not much help.

good read, thanks


andwolfe (7 minutes ago) is this a girl or a guy? Its like Pat on SNL, but this is real life.

what a fucking faggot

Wow what a fag.

Great, now he’s front page on yahoo too :banghead: