
i cant find a video of the performance someone find it



click Pumice’s link, good read.

Best part of that performance: Curtis = :wtf:


she is a fucking joke

now this basketcase is on the front of myspace too! INSANE!

this young man is not only annoying and ugly, but pretty stupid.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYBI_0qGwXg basicly says that gays shuoldnt have to fight the war in iraq bla bla. If this moron knew that open homosexuals arent allowed in the military he wouldnt have this problem

wow that kid sucks at life lol

on a related note about britney, and this goes for all peformers too… i never understood that, if your profession is SINGING, why can’t they SING in front of a crowd?

hahaha i heard this in the morning on 103.3…rotfl!

what a dork!watch his other videos hes a fuckin goof!

they were talking about it on opie and anthony i guess the whole thing is fake. The guys name is chris crocker and hes a comedian and jim norton has met him. They went on his myspace and he hes on tour right now and everything the whole things a gag

lol damnit, thats not that funny then :frowning:

no it’s not a gag you cannot fake being a faggor like crocker. Its a Crocker Shit™

i found the performance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txj0XOi5gak&feature=bz301

wow i didnt watch the whole thing till after i posted it…that really was awful. All she had to do was move her lips a little bit and she didnt even do that. It looked like she forgot the words to her own song. And when she was dancing she looked like a fuckin robot or like she had arthritas or something lol
