leaving for NYC now... woo hoo!

doubtful. not where I’m gonna be. A kid from OT works at the NY Times building right in the middle of Times Square and he’s hooking me up with a parking spot. So we just have to walk from Times square about 10 blocks northwest to get to the studios. Then we’ll probably take a subway down to lower manhattan and check things out there. all the hotels ive found are like $250+ per night, so we’re either gonna sleep in the car of just wander around all night. I hear Harlem is a nice section of town to walk around in the middle of the night, right?

I hear they have hotels in the region of $500+ per night. You should have lots of fun seeing all the sights in Harlem!

this is where i stayed at before… right by the empire state building, in walking distance to everything.

Radisson Hotel
(212) 418-6740
511 Lexington Ave
New York, NY 10017

$$$… fuck that. This was a cash strapped endeavor.

Anywho just got back. The drive wasnt bad at all, made it in a little over 3 hours. Daily Show was fucking awesome. They had some guy come out and bullshit witht he crowd and got everyone pumped up. He was hilarous. Then Stewart came out and answered some questions, then right into the taping. Apparantly they taped the “special guest” portion earlier, but we got to see Ed Helms do his thing, got to see Lewis Black too. All in all an awesome experience.

Then we were walking around Times square after the show and some guy sold us tickets to the NY comedy club, telling us that Jim Gaffigan, Patrice O’Neal and some other big names would all be there. We get there and they cram us into a room thats about 10’ wide and about 60’ long with a tiny ass little stage. We were pissed. Obviously no big name people were gonna be there. But the no names that were there were all pretty good with a few exceptions, so no big deal I guess. Then we met some Israeli chicks and talked/walked with them for a while and rode the subway with them back to Times square cause they were afraid they were gonna get raped. That put us at about 1:30. We were gonna go see the WTC site but we were told that its all boarded off and shit, so we just decided to drive home.

All I have to say is NYC is a crazy fucking city.