Are you guys aware of the insurance the track must carry? The price is out-rageous for the policy.

I was told they barely break even… it’s not like the owners are getting rich off it.

I was going to say…20 bucks for street night. Thats cheap, try going to englishtown or epping@ 30-35 a night

iirc you were running pretty slow too…

To be fair, it’s not bad. I made my post as when I went, other tracks were priced similiar but included better prep.

Wont argue with that . LVD did something with the track though, it is way stickier than last year.

who gives a shitabout 20 dollars? today 100 bucks isnt shit you throw that and a half in your truck every couple of days, its not like you have to spend 20 dollars a day at the track and its totally optional, besides where im at in clifton park i also am 3 mins from the track when im up chillin htere and its a great place to go , i havent ran anything there yet, might try my bike ?? but what ever 20 bucks big deal, the owners DEF are not overcharging you, by far they are NOT i was hoping they would charge more damn…

howie is know to charge out the ass for shit but that is the cheapest thing there i know to get in the pits at the dirt track is almost 30 bucks without the lisence which is another 75

alright well i dont know about THAT im just saying what i heard here that 20 bucks is alot to run the strip is kinda silly in my opinon there is alotta other shit these days thats just killing us besides a lebanon speedway pass :stuck_out_tongue:

i think 20 bucks to run your cars is great, just to watch is 10 bucks, another 10 to use the track is nothing, i would be happy running once and sitting and watching everyone else


i look forward to it every week, plus sutters afterwards ftw!

$20 nota bad deal…

No VHT isnt such a big deal to me. Ive got good tires (drag radials) and dont really have a problem with hooking or spinning. My car is just slow but it will still be slow at another track.

I was gonna say something about the LVD pricing but I’ll leave it to JClark to indulge in the cost of a good weekend of racing at LRP or WGI Makes even a $30 night at LVD look real good :sad

u dont wanna know how much i was spending to race at fonda every weekend lol