LED bulbs local?

I’m looking to get some LED bulbs locally.
I need some 1895 style bulbs and some 31mm fuse stlye bulbs.
Any ideas?

did ya try radioshack?

Radioshack is ridiculous with their prices on leds, and won’t have what he’s looking for.

i think you’re going to be SOL, but I hope i’m mistaken.

see if www.superbrightleds.com has what you need.


1895: http://autolumination.com/otherleds.htm
31mm: http://autolumination.com/festoon.htm

Not much around local that I know of…

I can get what I want on ebay. I just don’t feel lime waiting lol

eBay is the way to go man, suck it up, wait, and save yourself a few bucks :stuck_out_tongue: