Legacy STi... you heard me!

yeah, you know - i absolutely hate that shit too

quit quoting pics, we already saw the shit 1x already

back on topic… very nice looking. oh, don’t forget about the raging SHMOKKKIN awesomeness that is the new impala :roll:

MT LGT wagons were only sold in 05 in the US. My LGT Wagon is a manual :gay3:

Depends on what you are trying to do, they aren’t even close to being in the same segment. I picked the LGT over the STi for a plethora of reasons, although the opposite choice could have been made for someone else.

Can’t you still get them in canada though?

That sounds alot like what people said about the Impreza WRX STi a few years ago.

Yes, for $40K+.