Legal Question V. speeding ticket

about a month ago a Hamburg (town) cop wrote me a ticket for 56 in a 45 on Camp as me , my mom and my gf were going into Buffalo General to see my dad.
The cop was real prickish at first and I told him I was on my way to the hospital ect and he went back to his car and wrote me

When he came back to the car he asked me “whats wrong with your dad anyways”, I told him and he was like “oh…oh…sorry to hear” and his whole demeanor changed

I took the ticket and sent it in for a supporting deposition

I got a letter rescheduling me for a pre-trial conference with the assistant town attorney tomorrow at 9am and that my deposition would be sent to me

I have never recieved my deposition

Can I go in tomorrow and ask that the charges be dropped or will they give the cop more time (hes had a month so far)

I am kinda thinking he had a change of heart and didnt send one intentionally

can anyone shed some light on this for me??


let me know how this goes

Go talk to the prosecutor. With or without one you kinda have to go in anyway. Be verry careful what you tell him though

Yes, just say you requested the disposition. If it is not there when you are scheduled to be there, then the charges will be dropped.
It happened for me once, because I somehow got a cool Orchard Park officer who told me to go ahead and request it.

pretty sure they get paid OT to show up to court for this kind of nonsense

but if he doesn’t, it should get dropped. then again, what should happen, and what they do depending on how hard his wife sucked his balls the night before, are usually 2 different things.

well I went this morning, the DA reccomended 2 parking fines but said I could motion to dismiss

I went up to the judge and he says "I have a reccomendation of pleading guilty to 2 parking violations is this how you plead?’

I said “I would like to motion to have the case dismissed based on the fact the ticketing officer has not submitted a supporting deposition”

So he looks through the paper work and is like “well you requested one”…keeps looking…“Case Dismissed”

so yeah…


I do wonder if the cop purposely didn’t send it because he felt bad after hearing the who story though.

^ Most likely.

truth that all cops arent assholes! no seriously thought, he probably just hooked up, but didnt want to completely let you off.


I had a similar experience in Rochester. The cop didn’t show and so the case was dropped. While I was waiting another person’s case was dropped because the officer lost his paperwork from when he wrote the citation.

Edit: I’m pretty sure they do get overtime if it’s not during their shift. Going to court is something they do regularly so it’s probably rare that they don’t show and the case gets dismissed.

I dont know why he didnt send the deposition but I wont look a gift horse in the mouth

I always submit a request for a deposition, if nothing else it pushes court back by a month or so…

I got off once before for a lack of deposition but it was a bullshit charge and the cop couldnt really write one since he didnt personally wintess anything…

^ State police issue the supporting deposition right with the ticket now. I was checking out the one a coworker got last month.

Cops get 4 hours of regular pay…no OT