what can be done?

on my way home last night there were 2 vehicles driving side by side. Both traveling at about 25-30mph in a 45mph zone. I was in the left lane and a a truck was in the right ( you could tell he was getting pissed off by the cars in front of us), my lane started moving forward so he crossed over behind me quite close and proceeded to tailgate my car. As there became an opening in the right lane I traveled over to the side to let him go. At this point the vehicles in front of us were still traveling slow. So I made my way over to the left lane since that lane was moving faster, the truck then started putting its breaks on jerking. I got jacked off about this and did not want to get into an accident so I moved over to the right lane again to pass him and get away from the pack of cars. He then got behind be and began to follow me and tailgate me again. I put my turn signal on to make a right off the main road and noticed he put his on too (I figured he was trying to follow me) so I turned off my signal and went straight instead, the next left I could make I put my turn signal on to turn left and noticed he did the same. I turned left and he did not follow due to a car coming up to the stoplight but he put his signal on again to follow me. That was the last I seen of him.

then a cop comes and knocks on my door, real laid back and nice (about 25 or so years old) told me that theres always 2 sides of the story and wanted to hear mine, stating that a guy was pissed off and called saying i was doing all kinds of stupid shit to him :rofl: I told him i wont lie, guy pissed me off and i passed him, same as he did to me, and told him the above story.
he said that he has to write me a ticket but to just plead not guilty and to show up for the hearing thing. he said the guy was all jacked off and said he’ll go to court about it… I’m like wtf…
So if this guy doesnt show up in court would this be dropped? no cops or anything witnessed this, just his word against mine. i Still dont even know how this ticket could be set in stone either since theres no witnesses.

example: So if someone called the cops on a random car and made up a complete lie about how they were driving and the person receives a ticket how the hell would that stand up in court? dropped since its their word against yours? or pursued? when there is no Proof

you will get off 100% even if he shows up. just go fight it. thats a bunch of BS. i has someone say that i was going 55+ when i wrecked the firebird. i was only doin about 40-45 in a 45 so i went to court about it and they dropped it because she had no professional training on saying how fast a car was going by just looking at it.

what was the ticket for?

didnt come yet


you already said it, your word against his.

lol mac, well heres my wrecked firebird story…

when i hydroplaned my T/A, after i started spinning i got tboned driverside by a van. the cop couldnt write me up for speeding, or too fast for conditions (cause he wasnt there), the other driver put up all kind of opposition, so i got a bogus ticket for “driving in lanes zoned for traffic”… anyways, i fought it, the other driver never showed, and the trooper was 5 minutes late. we argued, and i got no points but paid the fine.

a month later after the insurance claim was closed and everything was taken care of, the other driver called me, and said she’d be sending me bills from her chiropractor, cause she was having back troubles. i told her to call my insurance company… she never did, i never saw any chiroprator bills, i never heard from her again

and i made 3 grand off the insurance check.:ugh2:

i’d go and fight it, good chance the cop wont show, cause he doesnt want to be bothered with it, the other driver will probably show, (he made the effort to report you). so the judge might drop points, or even through it out.

fight it!!

they cant write you a ticket without witnessing it, it will not hold up in court.

thats exactly what i figured… I think its complete bullshit

actually, the above statement is complete BS, they can, will, and do.


chances are they might run your history and you might get the fine. a driver can complain about nother one. and if the source is repuable then they will usually win over a younger person.

they can get you as a rage driver, not sure what fine is, or careless driving for switching lanes like you did.

yes you can get a fine for this, is it likely to hold up yes, is there a chance you wont get a ticket, yes

show up but dont expect your getting off scott free and you might get lucky

when the guy shows up for the hearing, write down his plate number. Then, at random times throughout the next year or so, call in to the cops reperting he was doing stupid shit. Basically, just fuck with him for being a douchebag.

x2 and change your plate



Complete bullshit ticket tho.

Just go in and explain your side as politely as possible, even if the other guy starts getting crazy.

The reason the cop told you to go to court…is because he knows whats going to happen. you go…you win…you don’t…you know the rest

kidnap the guy’s kids and send fingers until he agrees to no-show the hearing.


keep it on topic lol

anybody a lawyer on here? i would like to talk to you when and if i get a ticket in the mail