what can be done?


I suggest stop being a douchebag in a neon… (win?)

i wasnt being a douchebag to him tho… lol
I think he may have had some issues


got tickets in the mail today… this is complete bullshit…
the cop was nice tho he said to do to the court and plead not guilty and tell the story of what happened…

tickets received:
3361 driving at safe speed
3309ss1 Disregard traffic lane (single)
3736 ssA reckless driving

wow just wow, Im guessing it’d be better to contact a lawyer and have him fight this with me and a witness? instead of me standing there with just a witness?

If the cop didn’t see you do anything, then you shouldn’t have anything to worry about IMO. How can you get a ticket from hear-say information?

exactly my point!

it’s all in who they believe, which is BS.

yes this is bullshit…
I think im in need of a lawyer
but yet if this “witness” doesnt show up then the tickets are dropped correct?

does anyone know a cheap lawyer?
im pretty sure im going to NEED a lawyer on this shit

you can be fined without a cop being there…i suggest you get a lawyer also…my friend wrecked into a lightpole in west mifflin with me being the only witness and he got a ticket for reckless driving and license suspended for 6 months. i thought for sure he was going to get off because i couldn’t comprehend how it could be help up in court but he didn’t have a lawyer and im sure that was his mistake…

have you ever gone to PACODE.com . it lists all of pennsylvanias laws. anyway i looked it up and it is legal to give you a ticket based on “hearsay”. At least i think that what it says (its legal mumbo-jumbo). read it for yourself and let me know if i read it right.


i had to fight a ticket once and went to pacode.com. printed out what that law really is and used it in court…and won

well i have no idea what this person told the cop… all i know is i got those 3 tickets and i will be fucked if they stick. fucked bad! lose job, home, most likely car too since i probably wont be able afford insurance

u must be doing something fucked up, as isnt this like the 3rd or 4th incident in past yr???

no, only thing else that happened was speeding 6mph over, and that was quite a while ago

Ur fucked just casue ur jeff but any way here is the number of a close personal freinds of mine man…1-866-9-4EDGAR

:rofl: ya ok… i’ve met him in person before doing a job for his company, cool guy. but he only deals with injury shit