Right in the middle of a good article, or dodgeball game, I always find myself with numb legs. WTF. I can’t sit on the shitter and enjoy a Super Chevy article, or nice cell phone game without losing sensation in both of my legs.
How the hell do you guys do it? And I positioned wrong?
I read pretty fast, so I know I’m not in there too long.
there was an article in Maxim about that to paraphrase;
“i always stood up to wipe. One time I was in a public restroom and stood up, wiped, etc. Then turned around and realized the door/walls of the stall went up to my chin, so everyone saw me standing and wiping. I was so embarassed. I wiped the right way, sitting down, since.”
also- i didnt really have a problem with legs falling asleep issue until I got wireless internet.
it might be a pinched nerve. I had one, caused my right side to go numb while laying down in bed or doing odd things like mopping or anything with my hands my righ side was going numb sporatically. Get to a chiropractor theyll hook ya up, worked for me,
Oh and as far as the shitter goes my mom has a new toilet at her place that is really low for some reason. The kind where if feels like yer knees are up higher, never go numb, i can read the entire buffalo news and feel great, cept for the smell in there.LOL.
Actually I read in a health magazine it is better for you to put your feet up while taking a dump. I could do it at my old place cause the tub was there… now I have nothing.
Fucking yesterday I tried to walk around with 2 numb legs… hardasa mutha fukkra
A Little off topic…because I’ve been drinkin, but Jack… did you get to watch starship troopers 2? As far as your legs falling to sleep, get the eF off the potty sooner. On a serious note, maybe you have a pinched nerve in your back-spine. That can make your legs become numb? What the F do I know. I’m not a doctor.
:word: That or a blood clot. Definitly go to the doc if your having problems like this.
But on the shitter, when you read or play on the cell, do you rest your elbows on your knees? 'cause that will do it too… happends to me if I’m there too long.