Numb leg?

On Thursday, my foot was hurting and had some tingling in my foot and I realized I had a plantar wart on my foot and made an appointment with my doctor for Friday.

Today, I woke up today and my foot and calf had a tingly/numb feeling to them. All morning this went on and now its all the way up into my leg and into my butt.

I have been sitting at a desk all last week for about 9 hours a day and also was driving and sitting.

Anyone else experience this? Is it from sitting too much? I tried walking around today and no difference. Are the two related?

You might wanna have that appointment moved up.

i had something wierd like this last week as well. the only way I could put it into words was saying it felt like in 3-4 spots like the feeling your bones get with the flu…almost soar/ticklish, but achey.

if that makes sense, lol

dont know what it was, but it went away after 3 days or so

my appendages go numb REALLY fast. IDK what the fuck, but the last two fingers on both hands are numb about 25% of the time

cancer, not a wart

super aids?

Newman - poor circulation. check you BP.

OP - move that appt up. I have no idea what radiating numbness would indicate… you know who might? YOUR DOCTOR. or, perhaps my old friend GOOGLE.


Rotate your tires.

You kow what, thats a good damned point.

Pickup a set with more support.

could be related to anal sex…

It’s might be from not being active enough or has something to do with the ergonomics of your desk/chair at work. So maybe look into that.

My hand would go numb all the time at my old job. Made riding my bike sorta difficult too.

it might be a blood clot, move your appt up asap!

Quoted for truth.

This happens to me too.

Numbness or pins and needles is one thing but if the area is ever cold to the touch WITH the numbness, stays that was for a day or so, see a doctor right away.

My foot went numb about 10 years ago and a few toes were cold to the touch. I didn’t know what the fuck, thought it would go away. Turns out a blood clot was fucking up the circulation in my foot, and I almost lost my foot from nothing I did at all. I had to spend about a week in the hospital and they couldn’t restore the bloodflow 100%.

i have been sitting a lot the last two weeks since a lot of work has been in my office.

i moved my money clip from my back right pocket which i sit on all day and it seemed to recede some of the sensation. Its only below my knee now. i think it might be my chair since its pushing really into the bottom of my leg. i hope its just a pinched nerve. are blood clots really that common in 22 year olds? lol

what about this cold to touch? like noticeably cold or cooler than usual. also, when you say numb, do you mean completley like almost unable to wlak on it or like you have been laying on it wierd.

i am also getting tingling feeling in my right arm too and semi light headed at times…

You might want to check for vacuum leaks, and make sure your IAC isn’t stuck open.

SARS maybe?

welcome to my life, I hurt my back years ago in an accident and pinched a nerve and my legs have a constant numb feeling, (kinda like they are asleep)
I’m actually going to a spine specialist this week thought :slight_smile:

Bad ground?