NYS Drs step up!Chest pain and left arm numb for 2+ yrs. anyone else ever have this?

Figure I’d throw it up here to see if anyone has had something similar to this before. Started Dec. 07 Was shoveling snow and was trying to throw it very far. Go to lay down that night and my left arm was so numb scared the heck out of me! Called and made a dr’s appointment the next morning and they got me in a few days later. Said I had a stinger nerve at the top of my back, left side. Gave me predisone for 5 days. About a month later still had it called back and gave me a 30day script. In the meantime decided to get a little irregular heartbeat which I guess is caused from stress. I guess thinking you’re having a heart attack constantly for a month will do that lol. Had stress test which came back perfect.6 mos or so later I tell my Dr that this is driving me nuts is there anything I can do? Sent me to the top cardiologist in WNY. Had ekg, sonogram, monitor for 3 weeks, told me it was stress and to calm down.
Fast forward a yr. Arm still numb and chest always hurts. Tell Dr again something needs to be done. Sends me to a nuerologist for possible nerve damage. Says he thinks I might have MS. Does all the tests for that and they come back negative.Says to come back in 8 or 9 mos. talk to more people about my problem and they keep saying “100% go to a chiropractor!!!” Went to one of the supposed best arround.“your neck is all messed up and that’s what’s causing all your problems!!!” sweet. says he’ll have me working out again by next friday. Went to him about 15-20 times… nothing. Actually started to go to an old Chinese man from China for accupuncture a few weeks back after hearing nothing but greatness and now that seems to be doing nothing as well.
Anyone ever had or heard of anything like this? Was thinking about trying an orthopedist for a muscle pullbut would think it would’ve healed after 2.5yrs. Any help is appreciated and sorry for the book.

Ugh that sucks, luckily I don’t have any type of health problem but I’ve gone through some weird long term issues with friends. It still amazes me that we haven’t figured out the human body yet. I know this doesn’t really help but good luck!

I don’t know about the chest part but I did have a similar feeling in my right leg. Was all paranoid and worried me but it turned out that starting a new job that required me to sit long periods of time in an office ended up pinching a nerve in my ass so it caused my leg to act funky. Since it started when you were doing something strenuous, sounds like it may be nerve related. I ended up walking around more during the day and even just taking a walk after work to stretch it out 3 times a week and it hasnt happened since.

I am no doctor tho so take it with a grain of salt.

---------- Post added at 10:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:37 AM ----------

I don’t know about the chest part but I did have a similar feeling in my right leg. Was all paranoid and worried me but it turned out that starting a new job that required me to sit long periods of time in an office ended up pinching a nerve in my ass so it caused my leg to act funky. Since it started when you were doing something strenuous, sounds like it may be nerve related. I ended up walking around more during the day and even just taking a walk after work to stretch it out 3 times a week and it hasnt happened since.

I am no doctor tho so take it with a grain of salt.

What Chiropractor did you go to? My wife’s has worked wonders for much of her chronic pain, he located on Eckert St in Buffalo (Riverside area).

Hopefully you can figure something out, but doctors sometimes tend to jump to wild conclusions, they where throwing out so many things with my wife and it turns out a few visits to him fixed her (she regularly goes now) and following his advice on a few things.

Glad you actually went to the doctor. This does sound like something heart related, maybe some blockage in your system somewhere. Although your stress test came back fine so that is weird. If it didn’t they’d probably do an angiogram. Maybe you should try a message therapist? If you want I can give you my recommendation. She’s been doing it for years and knows what she’s doing. She rents out a room at the Hair Salon my fiancee works at. Can’t guarantee it will cure it but it might help

Yeah, I’m still betting something to do with a nerve as well. I’ve had an MRI on my Upperand lower back and back of shoulder area and it showed nothing. I’m almost wondering if it is something to do with the front part of my shoulder/upper chest? I’m sure the amount of stress I put myself under sure isn’t helping it but there is still something wrong in there. When you go for accupucture they give you a message first and when he started hitting this one spot near the bottom point of my shoulder blade I near jumped right off the bed! He called it some trigger point or something so we’ll see what happens.

i bruised a muscle in my arm a few weeks ago and my arm has been on/off numb ever since from the bruise down to my hand. People also tell me it’s a pinched nerve

Just curious if the chiropractor you went to used that lame as little hammer deal or did they crack your body manually? That hammer thing never did anything for me so I switched chiropractors and wow did it make a difference. Hope you figure out your problem.

An MRI will not show anything if there is nerve damage. My daughter was in a car accident and is experiencing the same thing. She goes to PT 2x week and is scheduled to have a nerve test done. She goes to Buffalo Spine & Sports Rehab in Williamsville.

The chiro I went to was Dr Misiak in Williamsville and he mostly just concentrated on my neck. He said that was his specialty. Never used any real tools or anything just some quick cracks and such.
-Shelby if you could ask someone there when your daughter goes to PT for me I would really appreciate it. These specialist office visits are usually like $150+ and my insurance only cover 5 visits a yr per family and with a lil guy at home, he eats them up himself.

Another thing I’ll is I’m ALWAYS on my phone which consequently is the same side as the pain/discomfort is on. I think a lot to do with it was when I would be making pizzas and have it tucked under my jaw or when I drive rest my elbow on the door and talk like that. I’ve gotten waay better in stopping doing that.

She has PT at Buffalo Spine & Sports Rehab. Her therapist is Tom and he seems to be helping more than the other place she went to for 4 1/2 months. They are the ones that are giving her the nerve test also. Good Luck with everything.

wow! she went for 4.5 month THEN went someone else?!?!

Have you been evaluated for thoracic outlet syndrome?? Its basically a neurological and/or vasular entrapment of your subclavian artery and brachial plexus(the nerve bundle in your armpit) as it branches and descends under your clavicle distally into your arm. it can be caused by really tight scalene muscles in the neck(short little accessory to breathing muscles) that can clamp down on the brachial plexus as it run between or through the scalenes. Common symptoms are numbness, fatigue in the limb, tingling and strange sensations down the arm… I would very much encourage you to rule this out with a competent clinician…

Considering 85 percent of back pain resolves on its own with no intervention, it doesn’t surprise me that people with back/neck pain who see chiropractors equate the chiro with the resolution of symptoms. And the people who assume chiros work wonders because of adjustments(from recommendations of others) report/get no improvement.

One thing, as a discerning patient its important to keep in mind that while a lot of people are supposed to be doing comprehensive care for patients(for example chiros adjusting IF NEEDED, then prescribing corrective exercise) they often do the cookie cutter thing because its easier on them, and considering many symptoms, aside from some that need even further intervention, resolve with cookie cutters. That only positively reinforces their practice. Another example high volume PT clinics just prescribe exercises when its clear some manual therapy or some manipulation would be much more beneficial. Then you talk to people and they say " oh my physical therapist only had me do exercies and I didn’t get better" . And while thats their part of the story( you never know what they did or didnt do), it is a reality that PT clinics have a much higher patient to clinician ratio than is recommended and that facilitates a priority for some considering insurance is what pays clinics for the most part. What is easier for someone, spending 45minutes with someone and showing proper execution, adjusting then working and monitoring them for their exercise/treatment, or just spending 10 minutes minutes for some quick adjustments, that are percieved as doing something because of the sensations and noises and then doing the same for the other 2 people you have waiting?

I would strongly recommend researching McKenzie certified physical therapists in the area(so you know they are WELLL beyond versed in neck and spine) and get a full musculoskeletal and neurological evaluation from one of them. If they are good therapists they will evaluate and treat all facets of what could be contributing to your symptoms…

This isn’t intended to be a knock, but its similar to, for example, some dealership bodyshops: overspray - repaint, a mild scratch - repaint, your carpet needs vacuuming - repaint.

Because it was a car accident and through no-fault she had to be discharged from them before she could go to someone else. They basically just massaged her neck and upper back and gave her some exercises to do, but unfortunately it didn’t work. She was referred to another Dr. to see if they could help her more since the accident was in November and the treatments they had been trying up to that point didn’t seem to be helping at all. She also saw a chiropractor before going to PT, but that made things worse.

Stupid questions:

  1. what brings the numbness on - Stress? Exercise? Certain positions? What makes it better - Rest? Changing positions?
  2. where specifically is the numbness - thumb side of hand? Pinky side? Biceps/triceps area?
  3. any weakness in the hand when this happens? How about feeling cold in the fingers?

There are several things that might cause this - thoracic outlet syndrome is one, brachial plexus nerve root compression from a bad disk is another.

MRI’s would detect the latter, an exam would detect the first (as you normally lie flat for an MRI, it may not show the compression “in action”)

Just my $0.02… and it’s best to be checked out by another clinician in person.

First off, Thank you very much guys in taking the time to reply to this post.
Getcha- was looking into the t.o.s. after you postedit and seems like it could be or couldn’t be. Have the feelings sometimes but never a discoloration or a weakness that I’m aware of. Might check out that McKenzie group really soon tho.
Trauma dog-

  1. I never really know what brings it on per se. I’m pretty sure if I sleep on my left side that makes it worse so I try and sleep on my right side as much as I can. EVERYONE that knows me says it’s stress and I mean everyone! I know that probably has alot to do with it but there is something in there thats making it start/flare up and I’m sure the stress is adding to it. I almost wanted to wear a sling for 2days straight to see if that helped at all.
    I know when I lift something heavy or awkward with my left arm That will usually do it. If I move a boxspring at the motel or something like that I will usually pay for it the next day. Chest will feel like someone is sitting on it as well
    2 The numbness is usually in my hand and forearm. every once in a while my bicep but rarely all at once.
    3 never any weakness that I know of and never once cold.
    The main problem is I think that everything I do I always do it on my left side. If I’m driving a car, I’ll lean on the window/armrest. I always rest on my left arm when watching tv laying down, looking on internet, playing with son, etc. I try and correct it when I notice it but am always doing it and I think that aggrevates it as well.
    Again I appreciate any help as this is starting to affect my normalness to the fact that people want me to take anxiety pills to relax and not think about it which I 100% won’t even consider lol

hey don’t worry my left hand goes numb all the time also. I went and had my nerves tested but all i got out of that was “holy moly your response times rule”. The difference between mine and yours, I can make mine go numb with a simple shrug whenever I want (doctors didn’t seem to care about this but then again it is the VA). It makes the pinky and ring finger numb. I often get the cold fingers and numbness when i’m driving and resting my arm on the armrest. Occasionally it happens when I stand around and have my arms crossed for a couple of minutes.

Stretch your pecs a lot. Start lifting some weights, light at first. If I stop lifting for a while and then move suddenly with my arms, occasionally I get a tightness in my chest that feels sort-of like when you want to crack your knuckles. Something gets bound up and pinched and the sensation to unbound it drives me nuts. When i’m lifting this never happens. The blood flow is strong, the movement is better, everything is held in place (joints, tendons, ligaments, etc) better, etc, etc. You may have simply torn some muscle fibers due to the strenuous exercise you did, and now it is knotted up into a ball not letting the blood flow through.

could they really be torn for 2.5 yrs though? As much as I would love to work out anything like that just makes it explode. If I do 5 push ups it feels like an elephant is sitting on the left side of my chest within a minute.

Sounds like MightyTacocruise-itis, I’ve seen it a million times. :stuck_out_tongue: