Tendonitis - Is there a Cure?

I have really bad tendonitis in both my arms. It’s in the outer and inner elbow near my biceps, and it fuckin KILLS. My question is how do I get rid of it. Don’t tell me rest and take time away from the gym, It’s not an option cause I’ve done that and it didn’t work. So aside from rest what do you guys do to heal it. I know there’s got to be some remedy to cure this that I’m just not finding.

I’ve heard that it’s from gripping too hard when lifting, than actually lifting itself. From what I understand, the combination of gripping really tight, and lifting heavy weights binds up all your tendons in the arm, and that’s where the pain comes from.
I guess you can buy an arm wrap that puts pressure on the tendons to keep them from binding up, but I don’t know if that actually works. Anybody try this?

ugh… sucks to hear :frowning:

I guess a decent start would be to take ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation. that will help out initially. as for a long time cure… IDK what to tell ya.

One word.


It’s true. You’re hurting because you’re putting too much stress on connective tissues. Rest longer, and take NSAIDs like ibuprofin (tylenol), naproxen (advil), etc. to reduce the inflammation.

Rest sucks, and doesn’t always work. The only “rest” that works is 100% immobility ie: a cast, and that is not an option.


I have it in my forearms and luckily for me it only flares up once every few months but when it does my forearms are rock hard not even in use and i look like popeye.

It sucks but I just pop some advil and try to minimize activity

Do lower weight higher reps too.

After rest.

Epsom baths help with it… and getting wrist straps help too.


Tylenol is not ibuprofen, it is acetominophen. Acetominophen is not an anti-inflammatory drug.

Advil is a common brand of ibuprofen, which is an anti-inflammatory.

Aleve is a common brand of naproxen, which is also an anti-inflammatory.

I have severe akilies tendonitis and it is the worst. The only thing that worked for me was a list of stretches and exercises to do. I would talk to a trainer or specialist. Good luck man.

alflutop. 21 day treatment. buy online or from me.

More info. What is it? What does it do?

Ibuprophin, rest and ice. That’s about all you can do. I have had chronic tendonitis and bersitis. There’s always a cortozone shot too of the former doesn’t work.


i have tendonitis in my left ankle, and it sucks. flares up really bad when i run and play hockey. if i rest for like 10 days it usually goes away, but i HATE being inactive…

cut it off at the hurt? i’ve had flare ups myself… relax for a while, which is hard if you like being active, which caused it in the first place. double edged sword.

I got it a little bit in my right elbow definatly sucks man just gotta take it easy for a little while try not to use your arms unless you have to… i know that sounds dumb but i mean like no useless carrying,movement, etc

Wait, let me get this straight…I gotta inject that in me? Fuck that, Next.


I am not exactly sure of your “lifestyle” but the best advice I can give you comes directly from my medical books so here we go.

-Rest the forearm
-Ice the area for 20 min on and off
-Compression helps a lot. Those bands do help, but remember mind over matter. If you don’t want to believe it will work; it will not.
-Elevating the arm will also help
-Anti-Inflammatory. Be sure not to exceed the maximum dosage amounts/time. You can burn a hole in your stomach.

To be completely honest the only real cure is going to be rest. I have never actually dealt with Aflutop but I do know that it is a medicine meant for joint disorders. You can learn more here http://www.basskilleronline.com/profile-alflutop.shtml

You said you work out. If you take any extended breaks from working out and you jump right back into full swing you can actually do more damage. Ease back in, or if you go regularly you can try warming up.

Basically you have to take it easy on yourself for a while. Last I checked we only get one body in this lifetime. Try to take care of it.

Yes lol it is in a sense a form of a steroid.