bodybuilders, weightlifters, powerlifters, etc...

i was lifting at my gym the other day, and i started bs’ing with a guy there. anyway, he is the president of myotrend nutritional technoligies inc(MNT). he gave me a one month supply of all his products, and so far, they seem to work. his company is new to pgh, and they are at a few gnc’s, and they market a whole new way. all of his products are about speeding up your recovery, not mass building. i can say after only taking the stuff for a few days, i definitely feel better after workouts, and am less sore. there also is a drink he has you sip on during your workout, and it works to help reduce the effects of lactic acid while your lifting. anyway, im not trying to sell anyone anything, but if you want something that works, trust me, it does, and i lift as heavy as they can.

cool might have to give it a look up. always interested in recovery supplements…i havent tried those yet.

sci fit >*

HAHA you know the guy who owns that place? I play hockey with him. Hes huge man. Cant skate for shit but hes huge… definately on the roids.

he is a great guy…i seen him a few times when i was in there

yah I think is last name is versalotti? But I forget… hes very very very very rich. Pays for his teams entire league fee’s and the types of cars he drives to games are rediculous.

gives crazy discounts out at the store also

yes thats because he is rich heh. Good guy though I cant say anything bad about him… so I heard you hit a 10 sec pass?

ont he dyno hahahaha was waiting on new heads so i can bring in booth stages of nitrous and i gave up on waiting …car is done for the year…

big plans for the winter new motor heads headers exhaust suspension tranny etc…got to get power to make the 30" tires move

lets hope you can take out the king of all streets right?

make myself happy thats all

yes he does. i go through him for my creatine

I get mine online…Creatine Ethyl-Ester one year supply for $25 FTW

i get sci-fit creatine infusion


I was looking into them a while ago, but decided to just change my diet to fill in what I need. You don’t need supplements. Waste of money.

I think diet is #1 thing, you should not take anything until you have your diet in check. But some creatine and protein are always good to consider. Creatine is very cheap and there are studies that prove it is a good supplement for many reasons, protein is cheap as well and is good for obvious reasons. I also take a multi which is good for obvious reasons as well.

there are some supplements that give you energy and stuff that plain food just cant deliver.

a good multi vitamin cant hurt…

and nitro explosion is one…its hardcore energy supplement while givin your body nitrogen to allow blood vessels to carry more nutrients and oxygen. its insane, it really does work.

and protein mixes are easily digested compared to real food that takes a while to digest. that why protein supplements are good to have after workouts to get protein synthesis started.

???huh???huh???-how are supplements a waste of money? they are designed to give your body what it needs most when you exercise. they are very good for you. with todays technology about supplements, it possible to get almost as big as taking roids. and by the way, i know the owner of sci-fit, and have lifted with him and his crew, ask him about supplements. people are so quick to knock them because they take them, they don’t work, etc. but how many people research what they take? how many people know when to take them? and the real effective dosage? im not the biggest guy in pgh, but im one of them. i got there by knowing how, what, when to take supplements. food can not give you what supplements do. do you know how much red meat you have to eat to ingest 10 grams creatine? around 2-3lbs-hello heart attack!!
or how to get 5-10 grams glutamine in your system?
or chondrotoin?
amino acids?

you would have to honestly eat over 10,000 calories a day of purely healthy food. that is a lot of food, and a lot more $ then going to gnc/atf/vitamin world.
sorry for being a dick about this, but it really pisses me off when people knock things they don’t try/or do right. if anyone doesn’t believer me, honestly come top my gym, i will give you 3 free training sessions, and tell what to take, and how much etc, and if you don’t the results you want in 3 months, i’ll change my name on here to fitness moron.

I like going to GNC and hearing the overweight out of shape salesperson recommend products. Pretty damned funny.

Not all supplements work for everyone, nor do they work the exact same way on each person. A good example is protein. The average person can’t process and USE 50, 40, or even 30 grams of protein at one serving or whatever the latest forumla calls for. Alot of it is wasted through urination because it takes some time to get the body used to the increased amounts. It takes time to get protein synthesis started and working at full speed in the body.

I think that today’s “I want it right now and my way” mentality of convenience has contributed to the sales of supplements. However this mentality cannot apply to body building/weight lifting/fitness in general. It takes time to work up and then maintain desired fitness levels.

Supplements have come a very long way in the last 10 years. Timing is everything. It is even more critical if you are going to try to do things without supplements. Why not take advantage of whey protein that is available for use in the body within 20 minutes after you take it? Why not use arginine or other NO boosters to improve vasuclarity and blood flow?

It’s not cheating or a waste of money when supplements are combined with diet, exercise, and knowledge.

Supplements are definitely helpful in obtaining goals. 04se-r is right though, you would have to eat so much damn food, which would probably end up hurting you anyway, in order to get all the chemicals you need to effectively build muscle. Every serious lifter I know takes supplements. I’m skeptical myself when it comes to a lot of stuff out there, but when I lift, I use supplements.

If anyone on here lives by Century 3 mall, stop into GNC and talk to Denny. He’s a body builder and really knows his stuff about supplements and their advantages and side effects. He’s usually there in the evenings and on weekends—tell him Mike from his work sent you.