so my chiropractor said......

my head isn’t on straight.

Actually, he said my skull is out of alignment with my spine (among other things), but I think that’s pretty funny. :rofl:

Just thought I’d share.

best cure is,giving hubby more head!

Did you get it straightened out then? Or will it take lots of therapy to get it fixed? That sucks…


chiropractors fuck up your back worse than when you went the first time IMO…

just seems odd to me that everyone on earth’s back hurts, but people that go get their backs ‘fixed’ are always bitching about how much they hurt? more so than someone that just busted their ass and have a soar back from lifting / sitting / riding or whatever.

people always say how ‘good’ it feels to go to a chiro… and in the same token they also think that need to return monthly to get ‘adjusted’…

i think chiropractors have a racket going.

chiropractors…bodymen… its all cult.

least your dude said your back wasn’t broken!


i just spent 8 months going once a week after i was in that wreck and now i feel great

actually when i was 18 or 19 i fractured 2 bones in my back and my chiropractor worked w/ me to help it heal. a normal doctor prob wouldve just wanted to fuse the bones together to seal the break. that wouldve been a bad idea in my opinion since i was still growing. my back is still messed up but atleast my muscles re-habilitated and it functions somewhat normal now.

Jinxxy~ It’s still a little out of alignment, but he thinks on Wednesday he’ll be able to get it in place. That’s the only day I have to go back.

This chiropractor is not your typical chiropractor… he’s very nice, and is only charging me half of what it normally costs, since he isn’t covered by my insurance. He’s a friend of the family sorta (my mom worked for his for awhile).

It was either go to him, or go to an orthopedic surgeon, who, naturally, would want to cut me open… :scared:

The whole reason I went was because my arms and hands have been bothering me for the past 10 days. Sore, tingly, etc., and I took the carpal tunnel and nerve test this morning and they said I’m fine… :ugh2:

That’s good to hear Jenn, tingley appendages are NOT good. Circulation cut off somewhere or nerves being pinched. Glad to hear that you are getting a break w/ the cost too. We had a doctor we went to see for $25/office visit when we had no insurance.

you won’t show on a carpal test until it’s too late.

i’ve been typing away since 1992 and there is no doubt that i’m going to have issues.

my fingers / hands go numb at least once a day.

it’s all still a crock :finger:

Actually, that’s a bit better than what he’s charging me, but I can pay it however I want ($20 a month, or whatever). Also, he never bills ANYBODY (my mom did his paperwork when she worked there… if I don’t pay, he won’t chase me down for it… I have intention of paying, but I can pay however I need to)

lol, the guy did say that I’m probably prone to get it later, just because of what I do (type or hold a mouse most of the day, and wait tables)

my fingers / hands go numb at least once a day.

stop sitting on them before you beat off.

:wtcslap: goto a chiroquackter or a surgeon… and you chose the quack??? my dad saw a orthopedic surgeon, put him on streches and steriods and never had a problem again (only took about 2 months to fix) :love:

during high school soccer i got jacked a few times so bad that i was all out of whack… Chiropractor was the only way i could get rid of the pain and live a normal life. I know some people think they are quacks but they really do help some people. I think its just finding a good one that you can trust.

I agree. Dr. Simek even told me to STOP taking the 800mb ibuprofen I was prescribed, because it wasn’t going to help me any, and take tylenol for pain if I need it. I’ve heard so many horror stories about people who had to go every day M-F for 3 months because they were told they needed it, and then they found out they couldn’t live without it after it was too late.

true but IMHO it IS addictive, and you DOn’t need to goto medschool to do it… so i’m apprehensive, plus my old soccer buddies are addicted!