so my chiropractor said......

again its finding a good doctor, my chiropractor was an ex soccer player and friend of the family. He knew why my back hurt, and how it felt. I only went once a week during soccer season then I was off of it. never really was addicted

cool… my buddies have been going pretty regularly for years and years… but then again… i did grow up in uniontown :ugh2:

Are you talking about the pain meds or the chiropractor?

Chiropractor adjusting their spine or neck every day and stuff.

I think getting adjusted feels good. im soo much more relaxed when i get my whole back cracked and my neck

Ciropractors arn’t a quack, but once you start going you have to continue to go if the problem doesn’t relieve its self (with help of course)…

If you back is out of wack and has been like that for years then you go to a chriopractor he puts it where it used to be but that damage has already been formed / “learned” as they say. So the back or what ever keeps going back to how it was. Thats why you have to keep going back. Sometimes with therapy you can correct or strethen it so it heals correctly but most people just keep going back once a month instead of doing what they need to to help prevent it from happening again.

Think of it as a rut in the road you may be out of the rut, but if you don;t do somthing to correct the situation your tire may fall back into the rut.

the guys i know musta been too late then… two of them had serious probs so i’m not surprised to hear they’ve been going for years.

I do not trust doctors or chiroporactors and definately would not trust these fucks with my back. fuck doctors in general.

LOL this is the opinion of a lot of males!!! :smiley: (I guess a lot of females too, I HATE the doctor)

I think my hand has been broken since tuesday and I refuse to go see a dr. I just hate them and the hospital. Besides, i can bat lefty for awhile, haha.

its the devil!!!

/\ doesnt trust vehicles built past 77 either :mullet:

When my back hurts all I need to do is have my wife walk on it! It cracks from my neck down! Probably isn’t good for it, but it feels great!

more info on this please? i think i have it. my hands/fingers go numb while riding my quad,motorcycle, lawn tractor, my truck etc.

too much :jerkit:

:lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd: :lockd:

{pointing finger at Eurodad} hahahahahaha

You want info on the test? Or carpal tunnel?

I saw Dr. Lemberg who is in the Medical Arts building of St. Margaret’s. Very strange guy… thought he was being funny, he really wasn’t. He also gave me a HUGE bruise on my arm.

The test, they take electrodes and shoot electricity down your arm in various places and measure how far it travels through your nerves and stuff. Then they stick a needle into specific muscles, and you move your arms and fingers certain ways and it measures something (I dunno what). And it tells him if you have carpal tunnel or other nerve damage.

If you have a PPO health insurance plan, you can probably go see him directly, otherwise you have to get a referral from your PCP, as he is a specialist.


true story