Anyone ever get Acupuncture??? My neck hurts...☻

So I have been thinking about trying Acupuncture, have read some good things and was wondering if anyone has done it. I have had a chronic pain in my neck for the last 7-8 years that feels like a migraine that lasts a few weeks at a time. My occipital nerve in the back of my head is always hurting. I also have a pinched nerve in my back that causes back spasms. Can anyone say that they have had a good outcome, was it worth it? Who to go to? What are the average costs per session, how many sessions did it take you to see results? Fill me in.

I’d try chiropractic first. I had good experiences with it. Read up on that too.

^ Do that. I LOVE going to the chiropractor. I think I might have to make another appointment soon.

I have done it, not great results, helped but not what I was looking for. I have more nerve problem and then spinal problems.My discs are allined and such, so I think…I also have massive heartburn. I was told it can also cure that by someone who has had broken their back and has had the treatment.

I’ve heard KILLER reviews about accupuncture and was debating it myself.A buddy taht had cancer a few yrs back had it done and a day later he started peeing purple.He called the dr(accu) and asked if he had pricked something and was bleeding.He was told that was all the chemo leaving his body!He says now he’s never felt better in his life and feels like he’s 18 again(he’s in his 50’s).Also had a guy with elbow pain for yrs and 2 diff. docs said he must have surgery.Did the accu and hasn’t had pain sice after about the
3rd treatment.

i went to a guy in E. Aurora across from the Icehouse and he does everything, manipulation and adjustment as well as acupuncture and deep tissue. yeah yeah it was a dude, but he’s friends of the family. his wife does work with horses and large animal science such as B12 injections, and alignment of the spine for race horses. went a few times when i got out of the army and recovering from perscription drugs they had me on i was getting off, and the pain was unbearable. he stuck me full of all sorts of needles, beat me up, twisted my back and i still feel i owe him my mobility and independance from pain killers.

I bet yoga would do wonders for you…

But I’m always in favor of people getting stabbed. :gotme:

chiropractor first. I can give you a recommendation. I just went yesterday for a neck adjustment (once a week for the next 15 weeks) and I had the best sleep ever lastnight.

Our (my family) personal experience with Dr. Marshall Lim has been fantastic. His office is right near Delaware and the 290.

Contact info (albeit with background noise)