Let gm die!

Tired of this BS. I am ify about the bail out. I think there is a time and a place for it but repeated bailouts for GM and AIG is a waste. Let them rot. Those that got bonuses of any type during this stretch of fail should be jailed. Period.

I think gm needs new management since their current flock of tards is failing hard

They should be fucked in the ass with no lube causing tearing of the rectum. Closely following, one of those lemon shaped bottle of lemon juice shall be poked with holes and inserted into the asshole’s asshole.

Then jailed/killed etc.

That’s just it. IF we give money, we need data to indicate this shit won’t change. Giving $50 to a pothead like Beanie and you KNOW where it’s going.

I’m glad you approve of my methods.

Although we may be better off giving $50 dollars to beanie rather then the billions they may give gm

Good point.

You give me $50 and I’ll probably use it on food or something.

You give me $300 I’ll buy an ounce of some fine American product, smoke for free, and make $100 off the deal, eventually have enough money to buy 2 ounces, smoke for free, make $200, eventually have enough for 3oz, then a qp, eventually pounds, tons, etc. Eventually I will save the economy.

Fizzlenomics maaayyynn.

You see we are better off investing in Beanie rather then gm

It makes perfect economical sense.

x2 fuck em.

we already gave them more than 1000 dollars for every car they plan on producing this year. they claim 10 -12 million cars. do they want americans to subsidize half of every gm car?

Agreed. x3.

Survival of the fittest

I’m against the bailout’s.

I say that with this understanding: No Bail Out’s = Downsizing = Job Losses

Now getting laid off is not fun, I know. I was laid off back in 1996 with 18 other guys, and it took me 2 years to get my job back.

With that disclaimer said, a corporation being allowed to crash and then reorganize is the only way an economy can maintain it’s health.

Throwing good money after bad is just that … throwing away money.

Whether Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal, the bailout plan is a bad idea.

A temporary fix for a long term problem. I see things getting worse …

i hat ethe bailout, all we are doing is throwing money into a fire, useless

Let somebody make the Corvette independently and then dump the rest of the shit GM makes.

a huge +1
thats how capitalism is supposed to work, if you get yourself in a bind file chapter 11 re organize your company downsize or what have you and then take a step back and re evaluate your business model, this is something they need to do. they say that they fear people wont buy their shit once in chapter 11 but i point to owens corning while they were in chapter 11 people still purchased their insulation and their business actually picked up so gm should just swallow their pride and do what needs to be done to secure the companies future before its to late

You are all soo ignorant. GM makes fine automobiles, of the finest quality. They’re problems stem from Americans, and the Economy crisis. So it is only fair to make Americans pay for the Companys financial situation…
