Letchworth Recap: BBQ Photos and more

stupid merge, man-jam needs its own thread. it will not just be a lecthworth game.

one of the mods fix this so its man-jam in its own thread.

more games coming soon

if mighty gets it’s own official meet thread, and so does southgate…

i vote for “The Official Man-Jam Meet Thread”

ya i started it and rx3 screwed it up. its getting fixed tho

nice pics guys :tup:


MErged all Letchworth Racap threads. Lets not start 10 different threads all over the place, keep it in one spot.


it’d be sweet if moderators would actually show up to these kind of events…then we’ll think you are more than just a computer program. Even Gary Gnu showed up.

i want video!!!

Patiently awaits clips of heaters in the corn field. I wish my car would continue to burnout into second. :frowning:



That’s cool, I had no idea Eminem drove a TA!!!


it’d be sweet if moderators would actually show up to these kind of events…then we’ll think you are more than just a computer program. Even Gary Gnu showed up.


You can’t please all of the people all of the time.



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi0HbrhM2hg Poor Onyx. :frowning:

awesome, Im pretty pissed I couldnt make it

Looks like fun. It’s too bad I had to tune a car in Canada that day or I would have been there. :frowning:

got stuck during a header install on my car. or else i woulda gone… o well, they are in

nice pics!

Great pics guys i know theres more, ill try to get some of mine up later on

wow, great pics :slight_smile:

i really have to see this lotus in person


Rotardedly clean. Truly one of the standout cars, at least for me. (ezfd/Eric)


:word: FD’s have that timeless design.

Shit… so, it looks like i missed that one…

Sick shots, keep them coming…


That’s cool, I had no idea Eminem drove a TA!!!


it beat your car!!! hehehe…sorry couldn’t resist. :wink: