Let's give another warm welcome to Ahmed..again

^ lol, just reading that it sounds like you don’t have or add much valuable input into the son240 forums, rather just to lurk and find rogerthat240 or aahmed’s threads or posts for entertainment…

this is also the only forum that the admins and mods do only whats in there interest.

its life. deal with it.

if you dont like son that much then leave or deal with the bs.

Holly crap guys! So what he is back, fucken chill out, damnnnn…
You guys make it sound like he is some serial killer who is here to murder people LOL.
…okay maybe he might lose it one day and show up at a meet dressed in a black trench coat and all of a sudden he pull’s out a sawed off shot gun and starts putting holes in people but I don’t see it happening…yet.

If it is him, let it be! So what he pisses some people off not everyone is the same and not everyone sees eye to eye on everything.

Besides the Ahmed v.s. Mark thing was entertaining! …It was like putting a cat and a chiwawa together in a box lol.

i’m willing to bet mark gets the first slug, lol. followed by the last admin that banned him

Maybe we should ban him from life? We have enough funds in the SON account to hire someone… :hsugh:

I’m joking on the threat, for those that are too stupid to figure it out already

I’m going to ban Dan for not replying to my PM’s…

Either way, I’ve always been willing to put myself in danger so that others (newbs) can be protected from scammers and what not.

There are actually quite a few people that were banned because I called them out, several times. And I know that they still hold grudges against me.

People have even come to my house to fight me in the middle of the night because of this shit.

But I’m still gonna do it to prevent someone getting scammed or getting misinformation.

lol, and that’s why mark doesn’t get banned.

only beat up

:lol: this thread wins

I find the Mark vs Amhed shit hilarious. Although it is sad that someone that has been banned is back. I do agree the forums have gotten a bit boring without the usual drama. Son isn’t Son without the drama! Or should i say without the e-thugging?


I agree. Son was boring. Ahmed is a loser, but drama is hilarious.

I think they need a llama, you got a farm going, you should sell one to ahmed and one to mark so they can race.

Scammers & other sketchy individuals should definately be banned. As for pricks just ignore em, the harder u try the more u will incite em but if left ignored they will just fade away. don’t know the deal with Ahmed but disagreeable viewpoints or the way its put across can be ignored or tolerated.

this is the only forum online i have seen with all this bullshit. people need to stop responding to stupid comments and creating shit. there are enough threads filled with this crap. Grow up



$50 + a pack of smokes…

So what if this guy is back. Like other people have said just ignore him. Kinda like what i do when in every thread i have to read OLD! Which i find a lot more annoying then this guys posts. But of coure you will keep doing it cuz your think its funny and that your entertaining people with it. I say let the kid say what he has to say. If you dont want to read it then dont read it and ignore it. Simple as that. Stop bitching.


OLD!!!..lol jk