Let's go for a drink...

The comparative thought process flow-chart of men and women responding to the invite, “Let’s go for a drink!”

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haha, ive seen those, funny ads


Aww man. :frowning:

Figures, I think something is funny and someone else already posted it.

That’s what happens when I don’t dedicate every spare second of my life to Shift518. Lord have mercy on my soul.

the lord might, but not these vultures

Good call. :rofl

:‘(:’(:‘(:’(:‘(:’(:cry: Waaaaaaaa.

tho u have it easier. u can just mention “boob” or something and ur off the hook. me? i get tossed straight in the meatgrinder.

Yup. Now get me a tissue.


You could just refrain from making :facepalm posts.

ya might be onto something, but would u want to check mine before i post them to avoid said moments? its a lot of posts, man. and no im not paying.

you’ll never be forgiven. See you in hell