lets go yankees

The Mets? Are you fucking kidding me? You’ll be the laughing stock of any event if you ever admit that to somebody.

I just don’t see the point in caring so much about something that has NO effect on your life if they win or loose

Kind of like street racing

Well that’s an outrageous statement, that can go either way. Go sit at any game and yell absurd statements against the home team and see how far it goes.

Go sit in Montreal and shout the Expos blow and see if you get the same reaction as you do in the bleachers at yankee stadium.

The bleacher seats are hardcore, s0n.

Very true, win or loose I don’t care!!!

i dont give a dead mooses last SHIT


Go jets.

There hasn’t been a team in Montreal in a few years now.


ill gladly do it. completely serious. anyone who gets in a fight over baseball should be put down.

i went 5 or 6 years ago (theyre second-to-last season) to see the reds play them and pops and i get seats 10 rows directly behind the reds dugout for $20/person :rofl :rofl :rofl

olympic stadium is a cool place.

High five!

I wore a Yankees shirt in Boston and nobody said anything.

^ :rofl

I really did it just to see what would happen. I was disappointed.


Thats because you look like a redneck gorilla.

Im sure if we put a yankees jersey on deadbeatbear and sent him to boston… he would be just fine.

I dont know if thats an insult or a compliment.
