lets go yankees


ruh roh

Owned Fuckers

sooo, 'bout them yanks…

only 2 ny teams i like jets and rangers…

thats almost as bad as me (red and buccaneers lol)

fuck the rangers!

Devils ftw.

Honda FTW


Honda FTL

Red Devil FtW
Honda FtW

I wonder if the salvation army declined all of that furniture PJB took out of the back of his truck.

I was in CT and saw some dude with a Yanks cap and Sox shirt. i lol’d.

Anyways, TTT!!!


and the frontrunners come out of the woodwork


lolz no. ;p no frontrunner here.

sure, you’re from new york, but why aren’t you a mets fan?

all yankeez fanz are frontrunners :vlad :vlad

sooooooooo… lets talk about them yankees ehh kramer?? :slight_smile:

talk complete :ahh :rofl

thanks! :rofl

If you lived in LA, would you be a Lakers fan or a Clippers fan? ;p