I always hear people talk about bad things going on at these places with peoples cars, but never in any detail. I’m interested to hear some personal accounts of things that go on at these places. :shaggy:
my brother and uncle are mechanics, and the gargage I go to doesnt charge me for labor…
So fortunitly I have no horror stories (thank god)
I would however like to some stories as well…Id love to hear one from one of the guys that worked at the jiffy lube that killed the vette!
Youngtegger on here had his oil changed at PepBoys, and they forgot to put his oil cap back on. He drove around for a bit until he heard some strange noises under the hood. Needless to say the motor puked all of the oil out everywhere. After much bitching, he got them to steam clean / detail his whole bay, replace plug wires / dizzy cap / and oil cap. Idiots.
My fiance’s friend recently took her Mazda CX-7 to Wal-Mart and didn’t get the drain plug tightened so it backed out and her pan drained after she left. They told her that import drain plugs are “hard to get right” and that “these things happen pretty often on Mazdas.”
and they make like $10 an hours for what?
Hope nothing major happened to the car. That could have been bad!
Let me just say how pissed I was, heres what I recieved:
Reimbursement of $39.99 for “super special oil change”
Engine bay detail (actually looked decent)
Plugs, wires, cap, rotor, and all labor (keep you shit labor/parts lol)
$120 (cash out of the register) for an “imported” JDM oilcap (or billet pos from ebay for $10)
And I got to cuss the shit out of every poor bastard there and go how the fuck do you forget to put an oil cap on. Needless to say the guy who changed my oil supposably work there for 10 years. I’d like to add the manager was able to locate my oil cap in his toolbox the next day~~~:bash:
Back in the summer of 98 I managed a little detail shop in Fox Chapel, pretty close to the jiffy lube or pennzoil on Freeport, in the course of two months we steam cleaned and detailed either 6 or 8 engine bays because they forgot to put the oil caps back on! they offered us free oil changes as a barter for services… dumbass owner took the offer for partial payment and had a free year of oil changes… I wasn’t there long enough to see if they messed his up!
when i worked at the one in greentree there were a few fuck ups…one time this kid just started there…never changed oil in his life and to top it off he was high. well not sure how anyone else that was working on the car missed this one but to make a long story short…he forgot to put the oil back in the car. ppl fucked so much shit up there you wouldnt believe it rads, transmissions, even tire changes. ive seen them sell syn oil to someone (oil change being close to $100 said and done) and just give them conv oil bc it was easier then walking over.
heres a good one the manager pulled and the air filter out of one car…showed it to three diff ppl shitting inside telling them they need new ones. they all bought the new ones but none of them really got new ones.
^^^ somewhat similar to that
I had a buddy that worked at Valvoline and I took my car down after they were closed to change the oil. He was telling they were out of their premium oil and he was told by his manager that if someone asked for the premium to sell them the cheap stuff and charge them for the premium. Also he was told to do the same airfilter trick as well.
the managers are the only ones who benifit from selling things out of the store. thats how they get the monthly bonus so watch out for them. they will fuck you over more then anyone
This was at Midas in Edgeworth a long while back. A car was (usta be) up on the rack. They had a screw-type jack holding the exhaust in place. Something happened (power outage?) and the rack lowered. The jack went through the floor and out the roof. I saw it shortly after it happened. It was (usta be) a nice car although I don’t remember exactly what it was.
Buddy of mine had his new tires installed at Wal-Mart. Needless to say, they forgot to tighten the lugnuts all the way down. You know the rest.
I’ve heard it all about Jiffy Lube, kid next door to me used to work there.
who shits at oil change places anyway?
lol oops…
well you’d be surprised at how many
Bogus and I had to work on a Taurus SHO that had the oil plug tightened on and then rounded off by some morons at Jiffy Lube or somewhere similar. Had to beat a smaller size socket onto the bolt to get it broken loose.
thats great i would love to see some pics of that
When I still worked full time driving for advance I dropped off parts at jiffy Lube in aspinwall…
They asked if I could take back a couple battery cores.
No problem. They set some on cardboard and some not, I ran in while they loaded the back of the truck. THey strapped them in…
I get to work to go unload them, and found puddles of acid all over the back of my truck!!!
Whomever loaded them put some sideways and upsidedown in some of the boxes.
Mind you, I took 200% good care of my work truck…I went in on my days off and detailed it for 4 hours off the clock. So to find the whole bed covered in acid! I WAS LIVID!!!
I called down there, at the time I was cool with the manager, and FLIPPED OUT!!!
I soaked it for the rest of the day with backing soda.
Not only was I pissed that I had to clean it up, and that it fucked up my truck…but I had to drive another truck for the rest of the day.
ha i’ll make a list of how people have fucked up at my jiffy lube
i was going to say aren’t you a manager or something ant one? so most of these screw ups are somehow your fault?
how long have you worked there for?