Lets hear the Jiffy Lube (or some place similar) horror stories

ha i was gonna say. i dont even know anyone from the greentree store. so what are your thoughts on mike skidmore?

HA just about the same as everyone else…whos district manager for your store? i left there about a year ago so im not sure how much has changed you know how it is…ppl are in and out of there like crazy

i guess Ill share one.

a relatively new guy was working down in the pit. a Subaru comes in for basic oil change. the hood tech gets the ok to put oil in. Doesnt bother to check the oil before it goes out the door. Well the customer goes to leave and the car wont move. the hood tech goes outside and try to get it to go. Wont move. They finally get it back into the building. So I had to stop taking inventory ( i was assistant manager at the time) and try and figure out what these sack of dumbshits did. Turns out the Pit tech drained the transmission but not the oil. So in turn they sent the car out with 8.5qts of oil in the motor and no tranny fluid.

lol, I wish you were kidding!

another one.

I think it was an Escort. Hood Tech was doing a tranny service on it. They have a really small diameter trans dipstick tube so you have to watch when putting fluid in with the gun cuz it will pressurize the system. Even after warning the tech 2-3 times no to crank it in there he did anyways. It just happened to be the bay right next to the cash out counter. Needless to say when he pull the tip of the gun out it backfired about 2qts of tranny fluid in a spray pattern that covered the garage door, the walls, the computers, went through the check out window and covered some of the seats in the waiting area. I bet if you go there today theres still red stains on the wall where they hang the serpentine belts.

I got my oil changed once at a place called Speedy Lube (which is now, ironically, a Jiffy Lube) a couple of years ago in my old Pontiac. I was sitting in the waiting room and the tech comes in to show me that I need a new air filter and they would gladly charge me $25 for a new paper. I said, “No thanks” and he went back out to the car.

He finished up, I paid my $40 and left. I pull down the street to my parking lot and hear this weird whistling/tapping noise. Pull into my lot, pop the hood and find that not only had they not fasten the lid to my airbox down, but there was no freaking filter!

Went back and told the manager what the guy did, which he denied doing of course. Boy, did I have fun yelling at those guys. They gave me a new filter and a coupon for 25% off. Tore it up, dropped it on the ground and walked out.

i remember one day when i was working we got a call from the mckees rocks store. they called to tell us that one of their techs was pulling in a customers car into the bay. They went to hit the break and you guessed it…hit the gas instead (not sure how they did that), hit the other tech who was guiding the car in, pushed him into the door, and broke both of his legs.

Pulling the cars into the bays was the easiest thing to do but somehow i know a few ppl who drove them right into the pits or hit someone else lol.

see…now they just forget to put it back in. alot of cars would drive off and the tech standing next to me would pull the airfilter off the stand and say woops looks like i forgot to put that back in.

Yeah, I can understand a mistake. It shouldn’t have happened though, but moreso, they shouldn’t have denied it and tried to blame it on me.

oh yea you knew they were gonna do that lol. last ppl under the hood but nope we didnt do that we dont mess up haha

ha well mike moved to the other group of stores i guess its team b or some shit. now craig chico is our dso.

we have this dumbass girl who works at our store. sure enough one day she forgot to add oil to a mustang. guy drove down the road. noticed it wasnt running right/stallin out. came back oil had not been added. another time with this girl she actually ran a dodge 1500 ext bed into the wall as she was pullin it out. god do i hate her

quick change lube places suck

end of topic.

How do you go about getting the car out of the pit? haha

tow truck with a winch

Bump this up.

My girlfriend texted me about 10 minutes ago:

“At walmart they couldn’t rotate my tires cause they hadn’t been trained in that kind. wtf?”

Who in the hell gets a job a tire place (if you wanna call it that) and doesn’t know what rotate tires means? I swear to God I wouldn’t let those grease monkeys touch any vehicle I owned, not even a hot wheels car. I’ve told her I don’t like WalMart but she still goes there, dunno why?

:bowrofl: :bowrofl:

i bet they told her that because she showed up close to close and they are lazy.

one time I brake torqued a neon pulling it up on the alignment rack at work. pretty much did a burnout but luckily i had a good press on the brake too.

no matter what I can’t drive those small ass cars with boots on. I was leaning out the window too. kinda scary lol

i take my mustang to firestone in bridgeville for an oil change. i go get my haircut and hit up wendies and come back an 1.5 hours later only to find my car had not moved. So i walk in, watch tv for a half hour and walk back out and the guy is just getting into my car. He continues to pull out of the parking lot like a bat outta hell redlining my car (after it had sat for over 2 hours) up the parking lot and jumping on the brakes at the stop sign. He then turns around and pulls into the bay. He said he was “road testing it” as i proceded to get my money back…

im surprised i havent seen more bitching just about the $34+ price tag on a friggen oil change and some windsheild washer fluid. aannyywwaayyyy

since it would cost me $20 to do it myself, plus laying on the cold ass and/or snowy/icey/wet driveway, i decided i was gonna stop changing my own oil. so off i go to the nearest “quick lube” joint, which happened to be a pennzoil place. i walked in, told the guy not to attempt to start my car/drive my car/sit in my drivers seat. i would pull it in, gladly sit on my ass in the waiting room while they did their thing, and pull it out.

so 40 minutes later its my turn, i pull the car in, turn it off, and head back to the waiting room. downtown guy drains my shit, uptown guy fills my shit, “Manager” guy tries to pull my car out. the toothless wonder hits the starter, nothing. at this point i hear my brethalyzer(sitting in the passenger seat!) beeping so i go to look out the window. im looking right at the guy, whom i previously asked NOT to even get in my drivers seat, as he is turning my ignition several times, while im looking at my breathalyzer in the passenger seat blinking and hearing it beeping.

inbred fucker punches my breathalyzer, as retard strong as he can, breaks it literally in half. comes back in, and tells me i need a new starter.

i calmly reminded him that he was NOT to attempt to move my car, nor even sit in the drivers seat. then continued to ask him why he didnt approach me before tampering with a court-ordered device, to which i explain is a $1500 machine, PLUS a felony charge of tampering with it, PLUS a vandalism charge which exceeds $1000, yet another felony.

he called who i believe to be his supervisor. that guy had my car towed to the breathalyzer place, gave me $800 in cash, and a hand written letter to my brethalyzer provider, with a pennzoil accounts check for $1500 to replace my “accidentally” broken unit. on top of that, he tried giving me vouchers for more shitty service. i told him i would rather he punched a hole in my face, and hopped in the rollback with the cash, the note, and the check. in my car were 6 cases of pennzoil synthetic, 6 oil filters, a case of Z4 penetrant, a case of coolant, and a set of windsheild wipers for my car and my moms car.