I usually shut it down before it takes it in to the motor, but i just flip it up and pull the plug and put it back down and it fires right up. just gotta get the excess water out of the carb
Hydrolock FTL. Nice pics Joe, you definitely get’em into the back country.
ill get some pics of my 450 up tomorrow its a 06 kawi got a full yoshamura titanium pro series hot cams and thats all but i love it
id post of my crf250r but its nothing special.
Just bought an 08 YZ450F. Picking it up either today or tomorrow. Whenever they get it together.
You shoulda bought mine for under 1/2 the price u paid for a new one
i think he mean a 2 wheeler (no training wheels).
Exactly. Two wheels.
heres my rmx 250, its a mean machine with excel wheels, renthal bars,fmf fatty, uni filter, ceet graphics, and bored 60 over
Shot at 2008-04-10
Shot at 2008-04-10
Shot with LG-VX8350 at 2008-02-23
ahhh… I do see that now!
I liked the white one, but white plastic vs. boney dirt = fail.
I’m selling my WR400 if anyone knows anyone looking for a cheap woods bike.
thats a bad ass bike…
My DR… 410 BB kit. Ill post more pics when I get it updated with the GS500 wheels for SM
supermoto setups are a BLAST!
Ya I cant wait to get it all finished… I just had some guy finish up my LEDs for me and they are looking sweet. The front wheel needs the tire rotated the other direction and the wheel just gets flipped over cause the rotor from the GS500 is on the opposite side of the DR and a little caliper relocation bracket. The back involves a little more work but I have a nice little write up on what to do.
Get some pics up of your old SM setup Munster
Aww man that looks sick, bet that was a blast. You probably had some coin into that setup huh lol?
Did you keep the wheels for your new bike so you can just relace em with some stock hubs? I thought I remember reading you got the dirt tires back on the WR400
My friend has the supermoto wheels. They’d bolt onto my YZ no problem. They were used from a guy in Florida so they weren’t much. That guy put the cash into them.
Some kid is supposed to buy the WR this weekend. I hope he does. I need the cash for the wedding.