well heres my new machine. there were a few RMs/RMZs floating around here at work and i decided to take advantage and grab one up. its too cold to wash it, so its kinda dirty. i alreadly put some stickers on it and my numbers/backgrounds will be in sometime this week. hopefully this will be a great season of riding/racing. im looking forward to riding this thing. (plese excuse the bucket for a stand, my YZ is on the stand and i dont hve 2, lol.
nice bike. i want a LTZ400 quad so bad
ya, those are kinda cool. i like the quadracer 450 alot better though. i like the RMZ though. itll take some gettin used to with the 4spd though.
i bet you rarely use third.
ya, most tests ive read say you can do 75% of tracks in 2nd or 3rd and never shift. lol.
Nice machine…I can wait to ride that fucker. Too bad you can’t afford to keep that and the 125…that YZ is a sick machine as well.
ya, i wish. i love my YZ but for a ‘do-it-all’ race bike/fun bike, the rmz more fits me needs. itll suck to see the yz go, but i am really excited for the suzuki.
got alittle bored at work so i photoshopped my backgrounds that are in the mail right now onto the bike. i like it.

photoshop a 07 seat on it.
i did. check pingertalk
nice bike
let me know if you trash that motor, i would LOVE to put a 4 speed in one of my quad frames
haha…um, i hope that isnt gonna happen.
good choice if i get another bike i want a RM125
i had a sick RM125 a couple years ago. i loved it. sold it cheap to a friend and he bawled it all up. lol. here it is and my YZ when i first got it.
nice i just got a 07 yz250f
sick…blue or the white LE? we’ll have to hook up and ride this year if u want. maybe switch bikes real quick or something if u wanna take a spin on mine. i havent had a chance to ride a Al frame YZF yet, but ive ridden quite a few 02-05s.