Let's welcome the events section's newest mod...

Me! :tongue

If there is anything that I can do to aid, please let me know. As most of you see, I go out of my way to get people together, and that won’t stop anytime soon.

Welcome! Glad to have you as a mod.

Archie needed a solid replacement.


hey man congrats, im turning 21 in febuary and wanted to plan a little get together to put some faces with names i will have to get with you about helping me plan something up?


sweet my bday falls on last sunday of febuary so i figure early to mid march? and possibly saratoga? a resturant and then caroline st lol, deff wanna make it a shift event lol

Let’s talk about it when it gets closer. Tradition shows that interest will fizzle out and/or the event will be forgotten about if set up this early.

good idea man thank you:)

Welcome new mod!