LF Part-time Job

Im looking for a partime job working nights monday-thursday. i cant work during the day or on weekends beccause of my other 2 jobs. If anyone has any info on one please post up. Thanks

wrong place to post

look here

brad and bob aint workin ya?
Im kinda glad I got out of there. place was bullshit most of the time

hunzy left on a trip that i couldnt go on cause i had to do my marine corps reserve duty and when i got back that monday i worked 3 hrs in 2 weeks for a pycheck of 48.18… so i quit… i was so pissed they tried to get me to stay by promising me work but i blew them off

actually slow for the whole transport business. picks up in a few weeks.
late may and early june is slow.Plus the cost of fuel even slower this year.

edit: except ups, fedup and dhl they never slow.

i think i seen your car out in there lot last summer i worked for gator movers services we did all the third party crating and shit and yins gave us all your old boxes to line crates

how was that job overall?

the household goods transporters,those drivers make a well earned 80K+
second to auto transport. CDL drivers i’m talking about. not local non cdl drivers.

the guy i ran with was oner operator making well over 120k a year after expences… and i wasnt cheap labor either, i eneded up being the 3 or 4th highest paid “helper” there… but it dont do ya any good when u work 3 hrs in 2 weeks

I dont know what your skills are, but instead of getting 3 crappy jobs, why dont you just focus on getting one career? have you gone to college? i assume your a marine. you shouldnt have much trouble getting noticed wiht that in you background. just my .02 pennies…

the job i have now is what i want to do for the rest of my life… and its not a money issue anymore, i just have too much free time… when i have that much time i get bored and when i get bored i spend an alot of money so i just need nother job