i need a new part time job!

So my part time job is getting to the point where I make up excuses on not being able to come in. I cant work with a few of the people there. But I cant afford right now to lose the extra cash.

I dont want to go to another parts store I love the one im at…just dont like sesct people.

Any suggestions?

What do you do? and where do you live?

that might help



:slap: thought about it, good money but dont have the empty stomach and lack of morals…although between first bass and sektion 8…i could start my own place. lol

what do i do? anything, honestly i would love to clean during the weeknights. easy money. and im good at it.

i am in the shaler area. My full time job keeps me busy til 530-6 everyday. i would keep my job at advance on sat mornings (8-12)…and i clean on the side on sundays.

I keep my schedule pretty full.

What hours are you looking to work this part-time job? They are hiring drivers where I work. You drive a cargo/porno van with AC and do a few drop-off and pickups. It’s not a bad gig, but it’s during prime hours, 8-4 type deal.

I think they’re looking for someone to wash glassware during the off-hours, but that would probably get boring fast.

where do you work? yeah…8-4 wouldnt work for me bc i work 830-530 here at the shop.

will u work under the table?


hey im with the OP i hate my job because of people, someone wanna hook me up :slight_smile:


no{guffy}…and yes!!!


no what

and my name is GuffEy geesh

yes what???

Hey spektator… still have any detailing openings?


i do. i have 2 people on my list…and i could always use a 3rd. what does your schedule look like?

yes i will work under the table…but not literally. well…maybe.