wtf part time job

i need a part time after school job, i have some mechanical knowledge and lots of car washing and detailing skills, also home remodeling skills
let me know

thanks steve

ill pay you to stop posting

^^i lol’d

what the fuck part time job.


Hey at least he described some of his skills, unlike you other assholes that just randomly throw shit up there and expect to find help.

tops… delta sonic…

Pizzeria’s, Gas Stations…

tried all the above

why dont u work for ur dad


that dont work out for long lol we tend to argue and fight the whole time

ive been asking around at local dealers for a detailer but most either have one or need a full time detailer.

Most dealerships wont hook a random kid up. you really need to have an in there.

uhh, i worked for a dealership and also a few privately owned shops of sorts and it’s not too easy to get in.

If you need money, go to a privately owned restaurant and be a dishwasher. if you work your ass off like i did you’ll move up to a cook eventually if you show enthusiasm towards it. trust me cooks make good money. hence why i worked at a restaurant for 3 years. the free food all the time and hott waitresses was a good bonus too.

honestly i really dont want to do anythign with or near food, i know its not good to be picky but i just dont like food or dealing with people about food, i like to work with my hands and mind , just food in general bothers me to work with lol id. any other ideas, i wouldnt mind doing clean up for construction either, me and my buddy do this occasionally for my cousin when he has bigger jobs, also im really good with small engines like lawnmower snowblowers ect i can completely rbuild their engines along with their carbs, i can do points, tune 2 strokes, valve jobs, i rebuilt a few warrior motors as well

thanks so far steve

ehh. cause you’re still in high school makes it more difficult to not find shit work. so does being under 17. most small engine places are close to closing down for the day by the time you’d be able to get there and theres a good chance they wouldn’t be hiring or you’d need to be 18. pretty much you’re stuck doing shitty work til you’re 18 and or out of highschool. sucks i know but its just part of life that blows.

im 17, i dont mind doing shit work or getting dirty, but ya not getting out of school till 2 and being under 18 sux, also i know it dosnt matter much because to do this at a job youd have to be 18 but i can mig and flux core weld pretty good and have my own welder as well

hardware store? i worked at Hector’s when I was 16 for a couple years and honestly I’ve never learned more useful stuff while at work. it was only min. wage, and u will prob start out doing bitch work, but you will learn a LOT. Honestly, leaving that job was one of the biggest mistakes I’ve made as far as jobs go. Oh, and I am talking about little mom-and-pop hardware stores, not Home Depot.

You could also try a locally owned auto parts store. At Lakeland we hire 16 year olds to do bitch work. I’d tell you to come in and fill out an app. but right now we have more “helpers” than we know what to do with and there is literally a 0% chance of you getting hired.

i tried valu, home depot, mr 2nds, tops, wegmanns, delta sonic, autozone, carquest, kmart, most ive tried at least 3 times, idk what it is lol no where wants to hire me, instead they hire dumbfucks, for example me and 3 friends applied at delta sonic the same day, i ddetail cars regularly but the kid who never washed a car in his life gets the job wtf

a lot of big places wont hire people under 18. u gotta go to the locally owned/operated places.