ok ive applied everywhere i can think of and nothing its frustrating. i have alot of automotive knowledge for my age. if anyone here is a manager ect at a store shop ect i dont care and you need a employee i can work off the book or on it dosnt matter. i can work from 3.30-? on weekdays and ?-? on weekends my names steve i live in south buffalo . im also good at detailing cars, and i have some homee improvement experience.
steve-578-2127 or pm me id really like to get a job as a helper/cleanup guy/detailer at a small shop or work somewhere thats auto related you could quiz me on info if need be
Make up a good resume and I do mean MAKE UP. Other then that someone you know would need to hook you up. Personally I would just lie about my age and make up a ID for that purpose if need be. Few people will hire anyone under 18 for anything. Work the system and do what you need to do. You seem dedicated and determined and that is good… more so then many 21yr olds I know. Sometimes you have to work around the system.
ew i worked at wegmans when i was 15-17. it was fucking misery. and the scholarship is only like $1000. that doesn’t even cover a semester at ecc.
get a job at a pizza place. you can fuck off and have fun when your at work, like youre supposed to do when youre 16. not have motherfuckers breathing down your neck all day because they’re 36 and still working at fucking wegmans.
You have proven a time and again that you dont have a lot of automotive knowledge
Like its said in everyother of your “i need a job threads” the chance of you getting a job doing anything with cars is very slim to none because no shop will trust a 16yr to work on cars.
You keep saying you got cousins that work at shops, why not get one of them to get you a job?
i tried 2 local pizza places and got the excuse that i either need a liscwnse and car or have to be 18 to cut sub meat and the point of this job is to pay for car insurance ect so no pizza place job till car lol im hoping someone on here can hook me up with a job
it was miserable, i dont want to get into it… worst job i have ever had.
and everybody there my age was like a meathead jock or some shit, or suuuuper YOUTH GROUP christian/wesleian/idontgiveafuckaboutyourbeliefsstoptryingtopressthemonme.
its a insurance liability at my one cousins because he is not thw owner but i do help him on sidejobs. my other cousins shop isnt open yet till summertime when his shop get registered by the state. and i know more than you think i do about cars if you dont beleive me ask me some ?s at the meet i bet youll be surprised
ive also tried autozone but they said you have to be 18 as well
i also have alot of experience with small engines like lawnmowers snowblowers trimmers blowers ect i used to work off the books at a small engine repair shop for a while but the owner got ill
I worked alone at all times. I had minions of little kids under my control. One call and I had people bringing me whatever I wanted. Bam! Steak for me.
It depends where you work. I did seafood, and it ruled. I stood around and talked to customers. It was great, and I ate so much goddamn food it turned me into a fatty…
Very well put lol ive been there since i was 16 and im 19 now lol the job does suck horribly and the money sucks and well fuck the scholarship cause my grades arent even that good.But i work with some cool ppl besides all the full timers.We have this fuckin dickhead thats like 50 in our dept whos the assistant manager whos been working in wegmans for 37 years, has no hair, no teeth , limps , and smells horrible.He always walks around and tells ppl what to do and works @ least 80 hours a week. and comes in on his days off and works and shit
One time we stole two packs of the pre made cookie dough crap. I flattened each into a huge 2’ cookie, cooked them, smeared some frosting, and made a 2’ diameter cookie sandwich. It ruled…