wtf part time job

thats a really lame excuse man, trust me, iv tried it. but what iv come to realize is that theres only one man in this world i will trust and have learned alot from, my pops. quite being stubborn and just listen to him and youll have no problem. then again, there may not be any know hope for you, i mean he did bring you in this world and 2 wrongs dont make a right.

im hoping to get lucky at one of the local dealerships or quiklube type places

i know it seems stuborn but you wouldnt understand, plus now he works for a large company that builds new houses in the suburb areas so he hasnt had any side work in a while

those places basically require you to have tools like i have…

i might not understand, but i know whats its like to not get along with your dad over some dumb shit. you say that you like working with your hands and doing construction and i just see the obvious here. your dad works for a large business building houses, learn as much as you can from him and do that shit yourself. i know your young and all, but damn stand up for yourself.

i can almost guarantee you they will not hire you if u r under 18

ya unfortunatly your probably right

have you interviewed at all? tops hires everyone…

tops hires almost noone

qft i filled out the hour long application online about 6 times

just because you can wash and detail cars doesn’t mean you’ll get a job at delta sonic.

dude you gotta fill thos out as perfect as possible or they wont even consider you. i was pretty desperate back in the day and i knew a manager and she said that they have a score and its gotta be damn near perfect for them to consider you. i know its only tops and all, but i guess they still have some standards to meet.

i know, but i would think it would help and look good on the application compared to a kid with no auto knowledge

ya i figured, it gets annoyign they basically ask the same questions 10 times but just word it different

do you know how to interview? I would tell you to pick up interviews for dummies (I make execs read this book before they interview) but you probably can’t afford it, so just google how to interview.

Call the places that you applied at, and ask them about the process, and possibly try to set up an interview.

Network, I know this may be hard for you and you are trying by posting up here, but everyone thinks you are a dumbass based on your post history. I am not saying you are a dumbass, but you like to act like one. Call your friends and try to get a job where they work.

yeah, no not really. when did you apply? they don’t need people in the summer as much as winter. you could always try again.

thanks? ya i know, in reality im actually a pretty smart kid, the thing is i dont even get called in for interviews after liek a week ill stop back or call and ask about my application or if any posistions are open, idk

i actually apply at 2 different location about once a month or so i know several employss there as well and still nothing idk i basically gave up there

just got back from walmart and they were all bitching about being understaffd
they hire poeple from 16-160
night restocker would be easy as fuck


bus tables at a corporate restaurant

when I bussed tables at tgi fridays I’d make $300+ a week working 20 hours