Here’s a handly little tidbit of knowledge you’re not grasping. It’s going to cost money for the companies to stop polluting so much. The cost will ultimately be passed on to the consumer one way or another. The trick here is to make it cost MORE to pay the tax than it is to invest money to pollute less, thus giving companies an incentive to pollute less.
The days of cheap, clean, easily obtainable energy are over. The big gripe you SHOULD have with the Obama administration is that they aren’t pushing Natural Gas as hard as they can.
It’s cheap, clean, domestically in abundance, can generate heat, electricity, power cars, etc. This new Marcellus Shale formation could turn Western PA into a booming area again. 50 trillion dollars worth of gas under your feet. That means jobs… thousands of them. Hundreds of millions of dollars payed out in royalty payments to local residents, etc…
Click this link. Read.