LG This Sat?(Sept 3rd)

Damn, it’s going to take until midnight?!?! :excited

im gonna kick you in the prick.

Shits getting tinted dark, in DA DARK, N1KKa


out, either the pin or the 1-2 shift fork broke… fuck.

i’d still come out and hangout


perfect time for a VIII 4th gear upgrade.

exactly whats going to be going on and either quartermaster race 8leg or exedy twin> triple upgrade, i’m gonna do this once and not coming back to it.

still will be racing at etown for the evo vs sti event LOL

Drew you can bring it at like 1 if you want. That way you can pick it up, go get dinner afterwards and it will be closer to that time.

That sucks man! Of course I had to jinx you tonight LOL.
Me-“Yeah I didn’t buy an evo because of the weak drive train”
Pete- “I’ve never had an issue man”

Just went out pregaming for this event with looksexys2k and twomodified4u


Will be there with JDaniels as usual…

Im coming for you fluffy

I hope you have something much faster than an HTR600 to come at me with.

I got a unicorn powered by skittles and baby dolphins. Sup now rookie

I might cruise over from TI with Travis if the weather is decent… I think Larry wants to run again lol

Showing 30 percent chance of rain-we will be there around 830.

im cruising up tonight around 730-8, as long as the weather still holds

I might swing by tonight too, I’ll see how the weather looks.