License plate laws

isnt it only like 8$ for replacements? at least it used to be.


Guy at school made his Ny plate into a Euro plate for the front of his car and hacked the shit out of it. He has had no problems with it.

That’s what I want to do, i made friends with a trooper in my area, and he said he’d get me out of any tickets, ONLY if I took my window tint off and put a front plate on.
This is the same trooper who had it out for me, who I made a thread about.

Window tint…ghetto.

as much as U.S. plates look goofy in my euro car (euro plate fillers from the factory) I would never cut my plate, as it’s just asking for trouble. Trouble is the last thing I need in my caah

keeps my valentine away from peering eyes.

Cutting something up that you don’t own probably isn’t the smartest idea.

Tint isn’t ghetto :rolljerk:

ok wait… you just got a “get out of tickets card” and you want to jeopardize that because of the negative aesthetics of a front plate???

btw, how did you turn an enemy into a friend?


Ha, he pulled me over a few weeks ago, and started to bitch me out, and I finally said “lets cut the shit” and we ended up talking on the side of the 219 for 15 minutes, his father inlaw actually knew me from a while ago when me and a few friends were jumping the road on our snowmobiles and the troopers showed up.
It was pretty sweet actually, he shook my hand and said if he ever pulls me over again, he won’t write me.

So basically he’ll get you out of ANYTHING, as long as you make your car completely legal on good faith?

Hey buddy I’ll give you a million dollars the very next time you need to pay a bill.

…if you give me a hundred bucks right now.

It’s official, you’re an idiot.

I’ve bent up my plates before, then flattened them

never got trouble for it