life lessons? what did you learn about life?

id like to know what you learned in your journey through life. if you would like to share post here. i dont want things like fire is hot i want mind expanding thoughts. like life lessons. and how you feel one should live

if you want it done right, do it yourself.

Its amazing how many things my dad would say to me as a child, that I find myself saying to my daughter, without even realizing it.

gotta stay teaching future even through hard times like today. plus some people learn lesson others would never be exposed to. so this thread will help use learn together

I found out that hitting a tree at 45mph after being launched over the bars on a street bike because some asshole threw dirt/stone on the road in a turn will knock you out cold, give you a good concusion, break 4 ribs, a right arm, make a kidney and spleen bleed and almost need to be removed, cost well over $100K, make you hate asshole insurance companies for 2+ years having to deal with them weekly and force them to do their job and not ruin your life.

Also found out what true friends and family mean to you. It told me to value every moment on this earth like it was your last. Enjoy what your good at, and strive to to better on the things your not. Told me not to be a pussy, when life kicks you in the balls, suck it up and dont give up.

Thats a good start from all the shit I live by.

take responsibility for your fuck-ups

too many people point the finger when they screw up, man up and admit when you screwed up

Herpes is for life

I haven’t lived yet… I’ll let you know when I have thou, oh wait…

but seriously, as cliche as it sounds… treat others like you would like to be treated, I cannot stand trying to be nice to people and do everything I can to help a “friend” out only to be given shit, heckled, talked about behind my back and FUCKED over whn I needed a little help in return.

Also, to ask questions… even if you think they are dumb… if you don’t know something ask, you will never know everything about anything, but you can learn a whole lot if you just sit and listen/watch.

Not to give a fuck about what other people think of you, to an extent its okay… but don’t be someone else just because you want to look cool, eventually it will catch up with you and make you look like a dumbass, just be yourself and be honest with people.

I know to many people that care way to much about what other people think of them, what kind of toyus they have etc, that doesnt matter…

"All the money I would have saved not spending on cars, beer and women I would have spent on cars, beer and women. "

Never settle.

Congrats on quitting smoking dude.

Also, don’t give people who may have had shit easier than you shit for it, its not their fault your not rich, have all this shit etc, use it as a tool for you to want to go out there and do everything you can do give yourself the kind of life you want…

Oh and one that I live every day to; There is ALWAYS someone worse off than you.

Listen to your parents


so many lessons out there we only touched a few. possibilitys are endless even if your the underdog or the unexpected does happen. science cannot proove everything. we know less about human body than we know. why do we sleep? to rest? what if i told you thats proven wrong? your mind is more active at night than wake. wtf is there more to life than this? asnwer the question

also how can people defy odds? if the chance to hit lotto is 1 in a million how do people defeat odds? simple you already have answer. you only get one chance that i know of so why not be remembered? or why not do the un dooable? this is the question i ask myself. who can tell me i cant achieve? nobody because they dont know. i achieve the unachievable everyday. its unbelieveable

just some quickies from me

remember everything can be done and everything can happen even if odds are aganist you shit happens

Winning the lotto - that’s not defeating the odds.

Defeating the odds is when there is no chance of something and it happens.

Science doesn’t prove anything, prove is a mathematical concept.

Science is empirical and rational. Theories are tested and with repeatability become explanations to the natural world. IE earth is a globe and gravity.

All girls are all the same.

DO NOT spend incredible amounts of money on college unless you plan on becoming a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or something that is going to pay well.

Only person you can always rely on is yourself.

Know when to keep your opinions to yourself and when to voice them.

Don’t hit huge puddles when you have a cold air intake.

Try to enjoy the little things in life.

Life sucks. Get a helmet.

Ah relationship lessons, I’ll play

Imagine every girl you meet with a dick in her mouth, because she probably have had at least one.

No matter how pretty, dreamy and awesome the girl seems, just remember that there is some guy, somewhere who is sick of her shit.

I’m not dead yet, therefore I have no advice to give on life.