Lighted Grilles

Has anyone seen or even though of such a thing? My caddy was in a small accidente and the grille snapped in two and of course this only meant one thing: CUSTOMIZE! I’m thinking of making my own lighted grille using plexiglass and LED’s and wondering if anyone out there has ever seen or heard of such a thing and if not, is anyone interested?

they had em on old fords and shit

Care to post some examples/pictures? Is the whole grill lit up, or are you just recessing lights behind it?

P.S.: Newman says “Click Here!”

I can make one for you…

Id need a little time tho, school pwns me

me and treads are making one…and we wanted to see if anyone else thought they would be sweet/wanted to buy one

El grille itself will actually be lit through the LED’s shining from the outside through each indivigual plexiglass slot so the grille itself is what will be shinnning. I haven’t made anything yet, but gimme a few days and lets see how bad I butcher the idea.

the only lighted grill I have is a ricer light in my fb ss hood pretty cool but remember cops dont like it when you have red or blue forward of the vehical

I’m suprised APC isn’t all over this. :tup:

I’m thinking this will NOT look good… just personally… Inside the car as a amp-rack highlight, sure… but as a grille… I personally think it won’t look right.

Two words. Cop magnet.

damnit. beat me to it. its not a question of IF you get pulled over from this. its a question of HOW LONG UNTILL, and HOW MANY TIMES TILL YOU GET SICK OF IT.

who cares if it looks tacky, sounds like a dumb reason to get pulled over and harrassed to me.

This is the lighted grill that I have and you better believe that the cops love it

I’ve got the nostrils lit on my WS6, no cop has ever said a thing, and it’s been that way for 5 years now… They’re never off either, at night the hood is always lit up red.