lighting opinions

so i have two options on lights for my car
not sure which way i want to take it
just looking for opinions

one option is to do the jdm lighting option
which is basically black backgrounds with amber turn signals

the other option is to go for the whole blacked out look

and here is my current look

I think the blacked out looks stupid. And the clears do too. Go with the first one.

The blacked out is nice, and should go very well with the hopefull jdm rear!


headlights of 2, tail lights of 1.

option number 1 :tup:

Blacked out is about as bad as clear corners, although some cars look pretty decent with them.

Option #1 all the way.

My WRX looks pretty good with the blacked out headlights.

I suggest blacking out the headlight and then re-installing the amber turn signal on top of that? And I like the first set of tail lights. the black/red.


It’s fairly easy to DIY JDM, psphinx and I both did them

:word: but you HAVE to be patient, rushing on these they could end up looking like poo

IMO the headlights are easier to do than the tails. cutting the tails apart can be tricky

Option 1

JDM yo!

JDM FTW. Blacked out looks stupid and cheap. However the JDM look AWESOME on the silver.

yeah ive been planning doing the jdm tails and headlights
but i saw the blacked out chargespeed evo and it got me thinking
but i feel the jdm will probably look the best when i do my jdm rear and voltex diffuser
like so

exactly. you know my opinion on this. buy jdm ones or keep them the way they are


If you feel like you must change it, I would go with jdm. For some reason the blacked out just does not work for me with silver.

Stock headlights with the JDM Tails

I say stock heads and #1 tails