I just picked up an extra set of tails for cheap to play around with.
I am thinking of “smoking” them with some VHT Nite Shades.
Anyone have experience or suggestions?
Here is a pic of a black CTS-V with some really dark tails (he also blacked out the reverse lights and 3rd brake light).
Also I am considering LEDs in the tails, bulbs 3157LL and 2825LL.
Can anyone make suggestions of companies to use and are there different codes that would make theme easier to find (ie 194, T10, T15, etc)
Even if you sand and buff, there is no uv protection and will eventually fade back to the original finish. My vote is for basecoat/clearcoat. Take them to a bodyshop and see if they would be interested in it, but make sure they will put on some type of adhesion promoter. If not, send them to me and I’ll do them.
I did mine awhile ago and have no issues, niteshit just looks cheap imo.
Even if you sand and buff, there is no uv protection and will eventually fade back to the original finish. My vote is for basecoat/clearcoat. Take them to a bodyshop and see if they would be interested in it, but make sure they will put on some type of adhesion promoter. If not, send them to me and I’ll do them.
I did mine awhile ago and have no issues, niteshit just looks cheap imo.
i had niteshades on my 96 maxima that i put on like 6 years ago…at when my bro traded it in a couple weeks ago…looks as good as it always did
i tinted a set of tails with night shades. it came out good, i applied about 4 coats and then sprayed a clear coat on the tails. Even with how dark they came out, the LED bulbs i used still shined through them, just not too bright for every day use. I took them off after 3 days because they were too dark at night. I suggest spraying less coats.
DO NOT USE THOSE. Unless you dont like people being able to see your brake lights in daytime. At night, theyre slighlty visible, but in the daytime theyre useless. Hidplanet forums tells you all about that
If you want LED tails, your going to have to have someone who knows what thier doing make you a set. Otherwise, none of those afermarket led bulbs put off any light, and most are highly unreliable.
To the OP: Dont put LED bulbs in your tails, especially after you tint them, you will find out real quick theyre useless.