Lightning over pittsburgh

Very cool pictures,my old man sent me this link.

looks to computer generated to me

looks legit


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: X 1,324,243,744,432,753,001

that one in the middle looks like it made contact!!! :smiley:

cool, seen some of that sat night

and do you believe the theory as of lightning actually goes from ground to sky


Thats just watching the lightning first and getting an idea where its at…then you set your shutter for 30sec or bulb and keep firing till you capture one. not really all that hard. Finding where to post up is harder then getting the lightning pics

i have heard that b4,bullshit though.

it does makes sense if you see it in a globe. they said that nonsense in Theory class. then there was another theory that has it as everyone sees it. its all in whats charged that day. the ground could be neg charged and sky positive. lightning also jumps from cloud to cloud but we dont see that that often…in the end theory sucks!!


umm, it’s science… “When the stepped leader (bolt from the cloud) gets within 150 feet of a positive charge, a streamer (surge of positive electricity) rises to meet it. The leader and the streamer make a channel.”

lol at sonny’s lightning pics.

elementary my dear watson

when lightning hit…

what it came in contact with…

Thats Devin and his kitty cats!!!

–ok so work has been slow! I had nothing better to do!!
