Like A Boss!




LOL…major fail.

someone help me put this up properly…haha


this guy is fucked…all his songs are bullshit…im on a boat was catchy tho.

yeahh…funny stuff tho. Just posted The fast and the Bi Curious! lol

enough fun for tonight.

em five i dunno what you don;t get about this being car chat. you already a MEMBER stop posting this shit flooding car chat. its not fucking car related so it does not fucking belong in car chat.

^ preach it sister!!!

^^thought i’d open it up to all users. I just don’t get what all the whining/complaining is about. It may even benefit the mods when its moved, and get some more members signing up. Like really, am I getting flamed for this?? just watch the video and enjoy. BTW not much action in the members chat anyways…


that line is car related chat.

Lol. Nice…

it an old song off incredibad three months old atleast and is not car related stop posting shit in car chat end of story


Haha I heard this when I downloaded their album, didn’t think they would actually do a video.

dont post this crap in car chat

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Like a Boss!

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Like a Boss!

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Like a Boss!

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Like a Boss!


AWESOME!!! Hahaha

^^ lol +5