Like a train wreck............

U gotta look…




ha funny


haha, aint that the truth

please become the democratic nominee. That will help them loose agian!

I am a Rep,but thanks anyway jay…

[QUOTE=85TransAm;517497][/QUOTE]U aren’t even old enough to vote, what the fuck do know?

lol,whatever happened to barefoot in the winter and pregnant in the summer

b/c one isnt old enough to vote, makes him not able to understand politics? :nuts:

What do u know,u jump a fence and ur one of us… Easier siad then done:bowrofl:


hell ya, that fence is pretty big…but i went threw an easier section…but shh keep it on the DL :bigthumb:

Just bc i can’t vote doesn’t mean a thing. If you had my history teacher the first half of class is spent talking about politics, the second is about the actual subject that class is (American History). I also do not like Clintons, I almost hurled jsut like that lady did.
