I did.
Yep. I’m guessing that everyone who checks this forum will hopefully vote option A or C
Don’t turn this political. I don’t want to know who you voted for, or why candidate/party X sucks. Just a simple yes/no. It’s a private poll for you BED types.
And hopefully they don’t move this to the politisuck forum that no one goes to because it doesn’t show up in new posts.
wheres the “i’m not 18 and therefore can’t vote” option?
not registered.
Nope, I do not feel informed enough about the politics (mainly cause I disagree/dont like most politics), therefor I do not vote.
I’m going after work
not 18.
lame, i know.
One problem, that’s on politisuck, where 90% of this forum isn’t going to see it.
EDIT: Ha, your thread has been up 2.5 hours and has 4 votes. This thread has been up 20 minutes and has 12.
/debate about repost.
After work. Unfortunately unlike primary day, being a Democrat in Williamsville does not allow you to bypass the whole line in the actual election :lol:
That would be the “no” option.
Just add NYSpeed edition to the title and your good
Yes but I feel like it was a waste of gas and I drove 2 miles. lol
It is like throwing a deck chair off of the Titanic.
anyone know where I can go and see what will be on my ballot so i can do some homework before voting on it?
Just voted.
Not saying for who so I don’t turn this political.
^^They had a sample on the wall at my place.
Actually seeing “The Rent Is 2 Damn High” on a ballot made me laugh. Especially that they had to use “2” because of space constraints.
I found vote-ny.org