So who has already voted/will vote today?

I’m more or less just building a list of people who I will not be telling to shut the hell up a month from now when they’re bitching about taxes going up.

Unfortunatly i am still registered to vote in monroe county :frowning:

Unfortunatly i am still registered to vote in Erie county :frowning:


To steal a line from Jim Norton

“I talk a lot of shit and sit home on election day. Thats the beauty of me.”

And we wonder how NY got as fucked up as it is. :violin:

Go Helfer!

If the answer is corrupt politicians who would rather line their pockets with money than help a shit hole of a city, then you are right.

I do not vote -

  1. I do not follow politics, and I think most people that do are mis-lead anyways
  2. If there was an honest politician in the running, you’d never ever hear about him.
  3. I like to leave the voting to people who have time to research and review and discuss their decision with other educated people. Not old farts who vote cause its just something to do again before they die.

After listening to hours of debates…and people debating amongst themselves on vote for so and so… and not for whos and such… and then give completely unrelated reasons why… I fear that letting “the people” vote is a major mistake.

To vote you need XXX education, XXX income, and XXX assets.
If your uneducated why should you and your uneducated friends be able to vote for someone?
If your a poor broke bastard looking for free coffee and donuts @ the polls… you should not vote. You should not vote for the person… who’s sole campaign was to reel you in with promises for poor folk that will not be upheld.
If you rent a shit box place… and drive a shitbox… its probably because you don’t fall into the first 2 categories. I’m more concerned about what people… with something to lose have to say… than people who have nothing to lose (New Orleans for example).

This is why I stay out of political shit… I’m way to realistic.

Without our right to vote, we have nothing.

I wish I could vote, but I am not a Buffalo resident, and I dont give a shit what happens in east aurora.

Believe me, I know. But seriously… look at who votes… and then out of that group… who should be voting.

Are you implying that the majority of voters are morons?
Its not like there is any proof of that cough 2004 Presidential elections cough

First of all, the canidates are such a crock of shit.


You know, I actually find these responses encouraging, because the people with the political views I don’t agree with are the ones who aren’t bothering to vote.

:tup: to being lazy liberals!

voted at 630 this morning

DOWN WITH PROP 1 bitches

Ah the truth comes out.

I wouldn’t consider myself liberal. Just because I hate our current free world leader doesn’t mean I’ve never voted republican. I just think hes a total fuck up and the evidence is pretty hard to refute.
What I do hate are people who tow the party line regardless of how stupid a particular idea is. Think for yourself and not with what your party affiliation says you should think.

e.i. I am for the death penalty and I am for abortions. Political correctness is ruining or ability to be free but so is the religious right.

I don’t care for either of the mayoral candidates (Helfer less so) and I certainly don’t want to pick the lesser of two evils because I don’t want anything to do with them.


Go Satish

Cut taxes %15

while cutting spending %10

That’ll work :bloated:

I dont know… the more I learn about the buffalo mayoral race, the more I think Helfer is a great guy and would make a great leader for this city, and I am not a republican.

Sorry, I should have been more specific about who I was referring to. The fact that you voted, regardless of for who, means I can at least respect your opinion. I did not vote straight down party lines either, and I agree it’s a bad way to vote. When you do you end up with Democrats like Giambra in office under the Republican banner because he switched parties just to get on the ballot.

My issue is with the people who will bitch and cry about the current state of affairs but then make excuses of why they don’t need to vote.

Unfortunately a Republican in Buffalo has about as much chance as gay marriage in Texas. Brown, with his union endorsements, will be the new union puppet of Buffalo.