Until political parties are abolished I don’t ever see politicians thinking on their own. Politicians (people in general) are sheep, they will always do what the crowd tells them or follow wherever the carrot (or bag of money) dangling in front of their face leads them.

My $0.02

You do relize that without the unions in buffalo you would be far worse off. If they make NY right to work state like they want to you will see the downfall of thousands of people gettin there pay instantly cut in half. But hey at least the owners will cut there overhead down so they get more to put in there pockets. I love the union hate by republicans, what do you think the union controls with there puppet? They get all the big government jobs then right? Well at least local workers are being used for jobs instead of mexicans being shipped in to get in and out quick for $4 an hour.

You can debate unions in the private sector. They had certainly had their place there in the past, probably not so much now that we’re a global economy. But anyone who tries to argue for unions in the public sector is probably one of the many lining their pockets at the taxpayer’s expense. Governments are not held to same requirements to be profitable that the private sector corporations are. It gets even worse when the unions are negotiating their contracts with the very people their organization got elected, people like Byron Brown.

just look at delphi if you want to see the effectivness of modern day unions. its even more disturbing that the broke local governments are paying for the overinflated contracts of union companies when the same job could be done for alot less by a non-union company of other local hardworking people (not mexicans) who didnt know the right people to get the overinflated union job.

out in lancaster atleast? or wherever else it was?

proposition 1 and 2 and such…

the last thing the state needs its to go $57305375034 into debt to fix bridges and such…

I think there should be a written political test. You know, to be president you take such and such test about US history, economics, court rulings, etc. Simply going to Yale or Harvard because your parents “donated” money doesn’t count.

I don’t bitch and cry… I have it made. I’m the only one in here who has listed reasons why I do not vote and why I don’t think a lot of people should vote.

Wanna know why my fiance votes the way she does? Cause her dad and her brother told her to.

Wanna know why her dad and brother couldn’t vote for someone? Because her mom said he looked like a pervert.

How fucked up is that?

I wasn’t able to vote today, work then school owned me. They should think about making election day a national holiday so I could get out and vote. Or make it on veterans day.

heh… the Indian dude won :tup: for amherst. I think he’ll actually do a good job :slight_smile:

I’m not psyched about Byron Brown winning Mayor of b-lo though. When are people gonna learn :tdown: (not that the mayor has much power with the control board anyway). 3 dousche bags in a row