Lincoln Tunnel @ 190mph

Seems to be just a teaser, but Red Bull doesn’t usually make stuff up.

There are a bunch of photos and a video of it playing the star spangled banner as well. They have a full video that they are working on releasing soon.

Your former driver at the last Midnight run’s record has been beaten :frowning: (He did 140+ once)

Yeah, but let’s get the two drivers on an even playing field and I have no doubt he’d make an attempt at redemption, lol.

All I can think of is Spaceballs… “They’ve gone to plaid!”


sahhweeet, looking forward to the vid.

i have been giving Red Bull a lot of my money recently and i’m glad they are putting it to such great use.

Music was to loud, I could have done without it. Is it to much to ask to be able to enjoy the sound of an F1 car? I’ll be looking forward to 2013 tho.

is there a final date for this in june 2013 yet?

I don’t even like Redbull but I might buy some this weekend just to show support for this.

sounds like a bike trip. josh’ll take our luggage in his nissan

No the schedule won’t be released for another month or so.

hopefully its out before i pick my vacation weeks for next year…

We might be going to Austin instead Walker…

Well that sucks, I was very interested in going to this.

I’m really confused…how did they get those shots in the tunnel going at that speed? Camera rigs? side by side seems unlikely. Either way, totally bad ass.

camera rig mounted on the road matching as close to possible… Not sure. Just throwing an idea out there. They would have the money to do that. lol

Sad that NYC/NJ gets the opportunity to have this and they screw it up. Typical.

I speculate that while they may have driven it through the tunnel once at 190mph, there were several slower takes as well… :slight_smile: