Watkins Glen video from July 4th

I lent joe my camera since he had a passenger to record the ride around the track. not onyx quality or anything but its the only vid from the track on that day so here it is. soss for the 3 month wait guys lol

was about 3 laps if i remember correctly


ugh that was an awesome time… I can’t wait for next year

Joe was the last car in our lineup right?

i thought moffits was

no it was from what i can remember jay,cassie (which had Onyx),me,joe then moffit i think

<-- number 1 :slight_smile:

only cuz he wanted a gay guy to lead us out there :gay:

Just Follow the rainbow


awesome video… awesome 3 laps. Although that’s the biggest tease I’ve ever been involved with.

^ that’s my pic right?

PM me your e-mail address and I’ll send you the high res. Your car friggen bounces out of that picture.

paulo you got anymore pics like that while we were on the track?

Not really. After like turn 1 people didn’t stay close enough for me to get any pics really. I’ll check when I get home though.

p.s. I saw your new car when Will went to go pick up those tickets, :tup::tup::tup::tup: Very nice man.

Paulo, there is still a shot you have (atleast it was on the camera that day haha) of us coming out of that turn, you need to get that uploaded :slight_smile:

Hmm, I’ll check it out when I get home. Possibly lol.

seriously - I felt like Lewis Hamilton at Spa in a few places where I had to “give back” the line / avoid passing Joe lol :wink:

They better come through with letting us take bikes on the track next year. Even it is paced.

Yes that’s yours and I sent you a PM…

Thanks for posting, that was a lot of fun.
