Pics from the Watkins Glen "parade lap". Get stoked. *Video Added*

Get stoked about the 4th of July event at Watkins Glen. Seriously. This is going to rock. Onyx has a lot more to add to this, too.

Basically, the opening day ceremony is just open for the public to drive around the track slowly (under 55mph) behind a pace car. Well, normally that would seem SUPER lame, especially because you are supposed to pay 20 bucks. But since Onyx is Mr. Personality (or MAYBE Mr. Handsome) we got to do it for free.

Interestingly enough, i was in line behind some dude in a PICKUP TRUCK complete with a HANDICAPPED PLATE.

Well, I just let him get way ahead. And fuck that 55mph rule. GPS indicated 110mph. Ha.

But seriously. Watkins Glen NYSpeed weekend will be fucking awesome. GO GO GO!

They let anyone take ANYTHING on the track. LOL.

I’m amazed josh doesn’t have some kind of mount yet.

lol @ the rape van


looks like an awesome time. I can’t wait for this event.

lol @ the guy in the rape van’s rapey expression

newman on the track? wow.

about how far of a drive is Watkins Glen?

it’s clearly a photochop…


:lol: directions to Mighty…good call…

It was definitely a great time and a perfect day!

We went so I could check out the area where we’ll be setting up 4th of July weekend for our showcase. Those who don’t know what I’m referring to, click the banner below;

Before anyone asks, I don’t have pricing yet but I’m hoping to finalize everything soon.

On the way there we started seeing lots of cars. When we got there, it was real busy… and this was at 2pm or so when the track had opened at 9am!

My contact at the track gave us a tour… even a rip around the track in a new Toyota Tundra, lol.

Pics will explain it better, but our showcase area is in a great spot.

We also mapped out some roads to take for our cruise there. I’m actually surprised at how nice some of them are :tup:

Taking the shortest route, it was a hair over 2 hours drive time from Buffalo.

I’ll get some pics and some vids up later today.

Screw mounts, I have ARMS!

I had one, but MPD47 needed it back. :slight_smile:

But lol @ pics of me hanging out the side of the car!

Newman and Beck :tup:

Looking forward to it.

Josh post up video clips…

Very cool indeed.

Working on it. I need to eat breakfast first, lol.

I usually go to opening day, but this year I couldnt attend.

Fortunately all my friends went and got some good pics. One of them commented on some kid with green shoes driving an STi with red headlights that sounded pretty mean… LoL.
I said I think its that newman guy who picked up Toms f4i for him a couple years ago. And this thread confirms that.

I’ll see if I can get some of the pics from him to post up here.

That would be sweet.

I’m glad my car sounds
MEAN. haha.

i wanted to go but i had to work

ugh, i wanna “drive” there sooooo bad

I’ll gladly attend the event in july…

Pics looked cool too