Pics from the Watkins Glen "parade lap". Get stoked. *Video Added*

that’s sweet! newman will you be at the bbq at dunville?
adam told me about walkins,but I was in NO condition to drive out there early in the morning :frowning:


Here’s the image in high-res, sans watermark.

Here, I shrunk it and PS’ed it a bit:

Ok, back to work for me :slight_smile:

do they let bikes down there, or is this a car only thing

Bikes were not allowed on track this day. But we will have bikes joining us for the 4th of July weekend :tup:

DO WANT STI! Soooo hawttt

uh, this poses a Huuuuuuuuge problem july 4th. normaly we have our annual uncle bens firework bash. Will uncle bens still be able to entertain hundreds with our glamorous fireworks display??? newman???

lol, bring your fireworks with you.

If it was so awesome, why not do a real track day there?

security on IRL weekend. is a bit tighter than normal GLen events.

not as stupid as nascur @ da glen. but still.

Ill be there for sure. Helps to have friends with connectons :wink:

i would suggest a bunch of guys putting in for a camping spot for the weekend. and organize something to have the NYSPEED campground for the weekend.

Already in play. :tup:

track rental im guessing is a bit more than dunville. im not saying its out of the question. Nyspeed just needs to “mature” to bigger & better things. first.

Josh is there a thread im missing for camping plans?

That wasn’t what I meant. I was refering to Newman, not nyspeed collectively.

maybe i will!

Onyx…did you solorize this pic?
Looks awesome

def a nice pic of the sti and srt4 t-up

thats not a track guys, couldn’t be…its just some twisty road in the middle of nowhere

Not really, I just mentioned it in our announcement thread (see my first post in this thread and click the banner.) It will be an inexpensive way to enjoy the weekend :tup:

Nah, I just played around with the levels. Makes the darker areas more “dark.”

EDIT: Still working on vids…